UPDATE 5/9/04: Coordinates have been revised, based on readings of Team Black Cat and mredden. My thanks to those of you with somewhat newer technology than my "legacy" Magellan Tracker!
UPDATE 1/13/04: I'm amazed that this cache has survived for more than 2 years! Unfortunately, changes in my work situation has meant that my travel to Boston has come to a near stop :-( Fortunately, Kbobkat has agreed to adopt this cache and keep it in good condition--thanks!! It is now in a blue top Gladware container, and tucked away securely. Given it's very public location PLEASE TAKE CARE WHEN FINDING AND REHIDING IT!
ORIGINAL POSTING: This is an urban cache in the spirit of Yossi's challenge. I arrived in Boston to find a disappointing number of urban caches I could reach from my hotel, so I improvised. Container is a purple flashlight, gutted of its contents and containing some items I had with me--a mini bottle of Tabasco sauce, a pocket knife, and a mini-flashlight (plus a short description of the historical significance of the site, a piece of paper for a log, and a pen).