Caching Through The Snow III Event Cache
Team Rampant Lion: Everyone should have logged by now.
Caching Through The Snow III
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Size:  (not chosen)
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Mark Your Calendars!
It's that time again to get together for a little holiday celebration at Kroghs Brewpub in Sparta, NJ. Festivities start at 12:00 (noon).
The Third Annual TRL Caching Through The Snow Event will be held Sunday, December 10th and will begin at 12:00 (noon) at Kroghs Brewpub in Sparta, NJ for a bit of a holiday celebration and get together. For you geocoin nuts, there may be the opportunity to do some swapping.
I will be tring to place a number of new caches in the area to make it worth your while for the cachers coming from a distance. And will likely try to organize a group hike in advance of the event. Watch the Northeast Forums on for more information. The last few years Sparta was hit by major snowstorms around this time. Hopefully, there will be a little snow so the event can live up to it's name.
The location for this event is a registered National Historic Landmark. In the spring of 1999, this small restaurant became a Brew Pub becoming the first state-of-the-art microbrewery, producing handcrafted beers sold on the premise, to the fine community of Sparta and the entire Sussex County region.
Looking forward to seeing everyone there!
Additional Hints
Kroghs Brewpub in Sparta, NJ. Festivities start at 12:00 (noon).