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Big Fire Cache Multi-Cache

This cache has been archived.

AZRedrock: No response from cache owner. Cache archived.

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7.15. Archive or unarchive a geocache

Hidden : 6/23/2003
1 out of 5
2 out of 5

Size: Size:   regular (regular)

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Geocache Description:

This is an easy 2 part multi-cache. Look for a small magnetic key holder containing the coords. to actual cache site. Very do-able in a passenger car, unless the roads are wet. There is only a .10 hike involved. Turn South onto FS Rd. 107, located between Show Low and Overgaard. Now you're on your own. Cache is a large ammo box.

Big Fire Cache has been placed during the 1st year anniversary week of the Rodeo-Chediski Fire that swept through this area. It is placed not in celebration but in rememberence of the horrible ordeal that left so many of our neighbors homeless. The cache site will give you a view of the fire's path of destruction. While in the area, visit the Deer Springs Look-Out Tower. Only drive on roads that are marked "open". I've started this cache with a travel bug, "Smokey the Bear", a national icon reminding us of the fire dangers. He hopes to travel around spreading the word to be careful. Included also are the usual trade items: hot wheels, punch ball, after bite insect stuff, a really cool pez disburser, flashing light, duck tape, paper fan, tictacs, pocket tissue and a Mickey Mouse tin with mints.

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

Pyhr gb 1fg pbbeqf: n pbjf jbefg avtugzner. Pyhr gb pnpur: oheag ybt

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)