It was Robert Frost who used the phrase "Good fences make good neighbours" in his poem Mending Wall. That statement can be true but it isn't always the case. In my near 50 year career as a Land Surveyor, I have seen all too many property disputes and it didn't matter what type of fence it was: good, bad, or otherwise. If the fence wasn't right on the property line, there could be a major dispute between the neighbours. Some fences are meant to keep people and animals out, while others are meant to keep them in, while yet others are meant to keep them in or on a trail or road.
Okay, maybe the no-post barrier is pushing the limits in the definition of a fence but they are meant to keep vehicles on the road instead of going into the ditch or over a steep embankment and they are usually found on curves in the road.
The name no-post comes from the fact that there are no posts holding them in place. They are free standing but do interconnect with each other using a hook and loop system and when connected and being made of concrete, they are a very effective type of fence. There is plenty of safe parking off the highway very close by.
No-Post Barrier Alongside the Highway.
This geocache is part of the Gold Country Geocaching Event Cache for Gold. Check for more details. Explore Gold Country and view stunning scenery, walk along parts of the Old Cariboo Wagon Trail, and wander around the friendly Gold Rush communities and discover tales of early day pioneers, settlers and First Nation culture.