The Great Swamp Scavenger Hunt is located throughout the Great Swamp Watershed, a 55-square-mile region in Morris and Somerset Counties, and includes portions of ten towns. The locations are at many GSWA / NNJC land partners.
The Great Swamp Scavenger Hunt is optional to geocachers. The goal is to encourage families and individuals to get outdoors, explore and learn more about our local natural, cultural, and historic areas.
The Great Swamp Scavenger Hunt will take you to NNJC partnering organizations such as: Great Swamp Watershed Association, Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge, Friends of Great Swamp, Harding Library, Bayne Park. Most of these locations have worked with NNJC and have active geocaching programs and some will have new geocaches.
Participants will register and pick up their Scavenger Hunt clue sheets between 10:00 -2:00 at Helen C Fenske Visitor Pavilion. If you start in the morning you will have enough time to complete the Scavenger Hunt which will take approximately 2-3 hours, depending on how much time you spend at each location to hunt for the answers. The clues will be on signs, or you might have to walk around to find the clues (Environmental Center). You can go to as few or as many locations as you choose.
At the Scavernger Hunt locations you will pick up a token to bring back to the picnic. The more tokens you collect, the greater your chances to win a prize!
There will be a map of the watershed with all partners marked on it for inclusion with the Scavenger Hunt. Coordinates to these locations will be handed out on the Scavenger Hunt form. The Scavenger Hunt will take you to partner's locations with a series of specific questions that need to be answered. The answers will teach you something about the location. You can then collect the token which you can redeem for a raffle prize.
You must participate in the scavenger hunt to be entered into a raffle for a prize. The more locations you visit the better your chances to win a raffle prize. When you return to the Helen C Fenske Visitor Pavilion you will receive a raffle ticket for each of the completed locations.
There "MAY" be new caches located at some of the participating scavenger hunt partner locations. Stop by the NNJC registration table for the NEW CACHE coordinates.
You are welcome to join the NNJC Spring Picnic from 3:00 - 4:00, even if you don't participate in the Scavenger Hunt.
THIS IS A POT LUCK PICNIC ~ We ask that cachers please bring your favorite salad, desserts or drinks for all to share (no alcohol). Please post on your attendance log what you will be bringing and how many are attending. Not sure what to bring?? Please contact K8, (SlinkyPink) who will be keeping a list of food and supplies needed for the event.
We would like to give folks the opportunity to see the variety of geocoins, trackables, and signature items that have been collected since the inception of geocaching. There will be a geocoin minifest at the Spring Picnic from 2:00 - 4:00. Everyone is welcome to bring and share their collections to show or trade. This gives new cachers the opportunity to learn about geocoins, trackables, and signature items, possibly obtaining something unique from a veteran geocoin collector.
NNJC will set up an Introduction to Geocaching 101 table at the picnic for anyone who wants to learn about this growing sport, meet other cachers, hear stories about favorite hides and experience this family activity. This event is a great opportunity for those who know little about geocaching, so bring your friends! This picnic is open to the public to promote geocaching.
Everyone is welcome, so mark your calendars now! Plan to participate in the Scavenger Hunt, go geocaching to find new caches, and geo-chat with your friends while enjoying the picnic!! Bring your family and friends for a very fun filled day.
We always need volunteers. Please contact Old Navy or SlinkyPink if you are available.
NNJC is about promoting a quality caching experience in Northern New Jersey.