GPS Confidence Traditional Cache
TNLarry4: I checked on the cache today and it has been badly damaged beyond repair. We will archive it since its hiding place has been altered.
Size:  (micro)
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How confident are you in the accuracy of your GPS? Well, here's a little teaser. I have placed this cache with the confidence that I have averaged the coordinates more than 1000 times, and have used two GPS receivers to verify its location. So, I'm pretty confident of its placement and the coordinates I have listed. But, you need to be confident in your GPSr or you could make this a difficult and frustrating find. Good luck and enjoy the hunt!
Parking is available near the cache location. The cache container is a micro. You may have to move something to see it. The area is near Houston High School, and may be very congested during school hours. It would probably be best to search before or after school or on the weekends to avoid traffic and muggles!
Additional Hints