Thanx for the ride, Lady..... Traditional Cache
Thanx for the ride, Lady.....
Size:  (not chosen)
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Orgionally placed by zazth @ co. When he followed his better half to Texas Ibwacko adopted it. Saddly Ibwacko took a new job in Florida (oh the poor devils in the Tampa area will dispare the day the evil mind of Ibwacko and his evil hides arrived) so I was happy to adopt it to keep this one active.
A not so boring Park and Ride Cache. While there's not much to see here. Lots of interesting things have happened to us in the last few years here. Anything from finding some Deadly Nightshade growing in the pasture behind the lot to rare butterflies fluttering around us while scouting a cache site around here. We even found these weird 5 leaf plants hidden here once. The cops removed those but not before some pesky geocachers found them first. No telling what you might or might not find. But always remember to give thanx for the ride.
The log is inside a tube inside the cache and is clearly marked 'LOG'.
Additional Hints
Lrnu Evtug..... Yvxr V jbhyq qb gung sbe n cnex naq teno.