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Zastrcená kaplicka a krížová cesta u studánky se (snad) zázracnou vodou
A hidden chapel and calvary at a spring with a healing water.
Vítejte v Koncinách, poklidném, zastrceném údolícku mezi vesnicemi Sloupnice a Kornice. Daleko od vesnického i mestského ruchu zde stojí hezká kaple Panny Marie Lourdské. První náboženskou stavbu zde nechal postavit na konci 19. století sloupnický farár Jan Jelínek. Puvodne chtel nechat nad studánkou, postavit jen sochu Panny Marie Lourdské. Sbírka milodaru ale nakonec vynesla tolik penez, že k soše pribyla i malá kaple s oltárem. Vysvecena byla dne 11. cervence 1886. Puvodní kaple mela jen dve okna, jednoduchou rovnou strechu bez vežicky a podle dobových zpráv byla „tak malá, že krome kneze u oltáre vešlo se do ní sotva deset osob.“ Bohoslužby se zde konaly predevším o poutích, mírily sem napr. poutní pruvody na den svaté Filomény. Roku 1890 pribyla v Koncinách krížová cesta na kamenných sloupcích v lesíku za kaplí, opet za peníze zbožných vesnicanu a poutníku. Konciny se byly jako poutní místo velmi oblíbené, nicméne zustávaly stále daleko od civilizace. V kronikách se píše treba: „Jan Severa si sice zbudoval poblíž kaple chaloupku, ale že tam bude bydleti jen v léte, a že po jeho odchodu v této samote se neusadí dozajista žádný jiný knez.“ Pocátkem dvacátého století kornictí a sloupnictí zacali uvažovat o rozšírení kaple. Další sbírka milodaru byla opet nadmíru úspešná, a tak byla v roce 1905 kaple rozšírena a opatrena vežickou nákladem 5890 K a 84 h.
Pri zakládání keše jsme byli prekvapeni tím, jak málo informací o kaplicce i celém míste dokážeme najít, nakonec nás zachránila paní Vacková z Kornic. Nicméne dál by nás zajímala spousta vecí – treba jak dlouho se zde tradice poutí udržovala nebo na jaké neduhy místní voda mela zabírat.
A ted zpet, ke žhavé geoprítomnosti. Geoauta mužete zaparkovat na dohled od kaplicky (N49° 54.194, E016° 18.282, s kolem se dostanete o kousek dál. I když je místo stále atraktivní pro rodinné výlety, romantické vycházky i poute za údajne lécivou vodou, nemeli by vás mudlové pri vyzvedávání keše príliš rušit. Cestu za keškou v Koncinách mužete spojit s malým piknikem, u studánky je malé posezení i ohnište.
Welcome in Konciny, a peaceful and secluded valley between the villages of Sloupnice and Kornice. Far away from village and town bustle you can find here a beautiful Mary of Lourdes chapel. The first religious building was built here at the end of 19th century because of the initiative of Jan Jelínek, a parson in Sloupnice. His primary goal was to have a Mary of Lourdes statue built above the pool. However, the charity collection bore enough money so that the statue was accompanied with the small chapel with an altar. It was consecrated on July 11, 1886. The original chapel only had two windows, a simple flat roof without a fleche. Based on the period news, the chapel “was so small that besides the parson only ten more people would fit in.” The divine service was held here mainly at saint’s days, e.g. pilgrimage on the Saint Philomena’s day headed towards this place. In 1890 a Calvary made of stone columns grew in the woodland behind the chapel. Again, it was built for the money of the devout villagers and pilgrims. Konciny was a very popular pilgrim place, nevertheless it stayed away from the civilization. In chronicles we can find e.g. this: “Although Jan Severa built a little cottage near the chapel, he claimed to only live there in summer and believed that after he passes away, no other parson will settle in this hermitage.“ At the beginning of the 20th century the Kornice and Sloupnice residents started thinking about further enlargement of the chapel. The new charity collection was very successful again, so that in 1905 the chapel was enlarged and supplemented with a fleche.
When creating the cache, we were surprised how few information we were able to find out about the chapel and the place itself. A big help to us was Mrs. Vacková from Kornice. Anyway, we are still interested in many things. For example, how long was the period for which the saint’s days were celebrated here, or what malady was the local water good for.
Now back to the presence. You can leave your geo-cars parked in sight of the chapel (N49° 54.194, E016° 18.282); by bike you can get a bit further. Even though the place is still attractive for family trips, romantic walks and pilgrimages to get the allegedly curative water, you should not be disturbed by muggles too much. It happened to us twice in the cache location that the GPS signal was confused, yet still we believe that, with a little bit of geo-intuition, looking for the cache will not be a problem. However, we will be grateful to successful seekers for the specification of the coordinates. The trip to the cache in Konciny can be combined with a small picnic. There is a small sitting and fireplace by the pool.
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