This is no ordinary geocaching trading item!

(lost) Jackson the Turtle is a OceantagZ Travel Bug, traveling from geocache to geocache on a very specific mission.

Trackable ItemIf you do not intend to log your visit on the web site, please DO NOT TAKE THIS ITEM. Its travels and its progress requires you to log that it is being taken from this geocache. You will also need to log when you place it in another geocache. It's easy!

If you are willing to log your part of this Trackable's journey and place it in another geocache as soon as possible (after you log your find), grab it from this geocache.

My Current Goal:

Mission #4


Jackson the Turtle heads to Spain

By: Cade, Brandt, and Elvin
February 24, 2015

We would like our trackable to visit Spain. Cade would like him to see a bullfight. Brandt would like the trackable to visit the Royal Palace of Madrid.  Elvin would like him to experience the Running of the Bulls. 

            Our trackable should see a bullfight in Spain. A bullfighting arena in Spain is called a “Plaza de Toros.”  we want him to see a festival in June called “La Plaza de Toros de Las Ventas festival.” It takes place in Madrid, and the arena was built in 1929. It is the most important arena in the Europe, seeing it has a seat capacity of 25,000. And every one of those seats is filled during the festival in June.  We would love to know that our trackable was able to fill one of those seats.

         The Royal palace of Madrid was built in 1738-1755. It’s a major tourist spot in the city. It has 2,800rooms, but there are only 50 rooms available for the tourists. This palace is also known as the Jardines de Sabitini.  Of the thousands that go to the palace every year, we hope that our trackable makes it in with one of the many tourists.   

       We would like our trackable to see the Running of the Bulls. The Running of the Bulls is a festival celebrated every year in the city of Pamplona. The festival is a sprint in which bulls   chase sprinters. The Running of the Bulls takes place between July sixth and July fourteenth. It has six bulls chasing sprinters. The Running of the Bulls has been celebrated as early the fifteen hundreds. Thousands come from different parts of the world to watch and participate in the Running of the Bulls.  We would be very happy to know that our trackable has watched the Running of the Bulls.




Mission #3   Jackson the Turtle is off to Australia

by Hannah and Avery

September 20, 2014                                                                                                               

 We would like Jackson the Turtle to visit Australia. While he is there, we’d like him to see a Tasmanian devil, Frazier Island and   

Tasmanian devils are the largest carnivorous marsupials in the world! They are scavengers, they prefer to eat animals that are already dead. Some of the things they eat are baby kangaroos, dogs, cats, rabbits, rats, birds, frogs, and deer. They are nocturnal meaning they sleep during the day. They like to spend their time alone. When Tasmanian devils feel like they are in danger they will let out a shrieking sound and show their teeth.

I think one of the places Jackson should go in Australia is Fraser Island, Australia. There are 200 year old Kauri forests in Fraser Island. Fraser Island is also the world’s largest sand island. Many humpback whales migrate from Antarctica to Fraser Island.  There are some mammals that he could make friends with like wallabies and flying foxes. There is also a World War 1 ship that sank. These are some reasons Jackson the Turtle should go to Fraser Island.


Mission #2   Jackson is off to Washington State.

By Athena

            The Space Needle should be on the destination list of tourists in Seattle, Washington. Why? Because it is so interesting! The Space Needle is an observation tower that is about 605 feet tall and weighs 9,550 tons. It has a restaurant called Sky City that spins 360 degrees. To get to the top you ride an elevator that goes up to 10 miles per hour! Another cool thing about it is that it has 25 lightning rods. This is going to be a must-have on my destination list.




Mission #1   Jackson the Turtle visits symbols of America

By River, Gracie and Brigitte

Our group would like Jackson to visit symbols of American Freedom such as the Statue of Liberty, The Liberty Bell and bald eagles around the country.

The Statue of Liberty stands 151 feet or 46 meters in height and 305 feet 93 meters from ground to torch. The head of the statue was displayed at the world’s fair in Paris in 1878. The official name of the Statue is Liberty Enlightening the World. The Statue of Liberty is located on Liberty Island in New York’s Harbor, which was previously called Bledsoe Island

The Liberty Bell is in Pennsylvania. The bell first cracked during a test ringing. The bell was originally cast in 1752 in London England. The bell was first called the Liberty Bell around 1839 by abolitionists, who are people who fight against slavery.

The bald eagle became the National emblem in 1782 when the great seal of the United States was adopted. Female eagles are larger than males. The beak is large and hooked. A bald eagle’s white head may make it look bald. Eagle nests are called aeries (air- ees.).