This is no ordinary geocaching trading item!

Polizeistern Brandenburg is a Travel Bug Dog Tag Travel Bug, traveling from geocache to geocache on a very specific mission.

Trackable ItemIf you do not intend to log your visit on the web site, please DO NOT TAKE THIS ITEM. Its travels and its progress requires you to log that it is being taken from this geocache. You will also need to log when you place it in another geocache. It's easy!

If you are willing to log your part of this Trackable's journey and place it in another geocache as soon as possible (after you log your find), grab it from this geocache.

My Current Goal:

Ich bin der Stern der Landespolizei Brandenburg (Deutschland) und möchte um die Welt reisen. Ich möchte andere internationale Polizeieinheiten kennenlernen.

I am the star of the land police of Brandenburg (Germany) and would like to travel around the world. I would like to get to know other international sheriff's departments.

Je suis l'étoile de la police de pays Brandebourg (Allemagne) et voudrais voyager autour du monde. Je voudrais faire la connaissance des autres forces de police internationales.

Soy la estrella de la policía rural de Brandeburgo (Alemania) y quisiera viajar alrededor del mundo. Quisiera conocer otros retenes internacionales.