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For Lillie

11 May 07 View Image "Indiana Tater Picnic" Tour Group MaxB's TB Tour group are peeling some taters to get ready for the Picnic. Shown are TB's: Conanicut, Chelsea's Fallen Heros, Moytzingo Mexico Diabetes, Buzz #3, Grip Master, Grandma's Memorial TB, Lillie, Launched Steep Staircase, Sandbass Royalty Joins 3000/300 Club, Shahpur City Pakistan Diabetes, Sercrtatiat Wannabe, and Team 16 Race Zombie. 8 May 07 View Image Lillie on the River Lillie visits MaxB's on the St Joseph River in Michigan 31 Jul 06 View Image Lillie catching a ride with Clyde! 11 Jan 06 View Image Welcome to the Alamo Visiting San Antonio
11 Jan 06 View Image Welcome to the Alamo Visiting San Antonio