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For How Many Caches? #1

13 Jun 08 View Image "River Trip in June" Tour Group MaxB has finally had some time to take the TB's on a boat ride on the St. Joe River before setting sail with Sailor30. Shown are: Field Trip 2006, JCWorshipper #2 Compass Rose coin, Sparta NJ Son #1 Bear, How Many Caches? #1, Speed Racer #2 Miss America, loneeagle2's MN History Alvin Phone Home, and Crdavis SAAB coin. 13 Jun 08 View Image How Many Caches on the River How Many Caches visits MaxB's on the St Joseph River in Michigan 10 Jun 08 View Image How Many Caches? #1 & GeoPig 7 Apr 07 View Image In the woods of Connecticut on a cold Easter