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For Appalachian Trail Geocoin

18 Nov 06 View Image Appalachian Trail Geocoin & GeoPig 8 Nov 06 View Image Appalachian Trail con on the River Appalachian Trail Coin visits MaxB's on the St Joseph River in Michigan 8 Nov 06 View Image "Travel Bug Election Day" Tour Group MaxB's Tour group campaigned hard for the Travel Bug Elections. MaxB was leading the polls, but the final results was determined by how many TB's show up from the Graveyard Caches to vote! Shown are TB's: Princess Odette, Nate the Pirate, Coaster Mania, 2006 Silver Thanksgiving Coin, Appalachian Trail Coin, Al AbuJonn, Happy Hoosier, Geezer Two Travel Coin, Mario, Buddalicious, Party with Ashley. 3 Sep 06 View Image 100_0440.JPG
9 Jul 06 View Image Geocoin on cache