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For Darth Vader and Connor Travel Bug

25 Aug 13 View Image 126 Darth Vader and Conner 27 Aug 12 View Image Yes Lord Vader, what is your bidding? 16 Oct 11 View Image The Force is strong with this one Overlooking Big Rock Ranch, the neighbor to Skywalker Ranch and current home of LucasFilms Animation. 16 Oct 11 View Image At the ranch entrance Couldn't get any closer than this without an invite. This is the entrance to Skywalker Ranch.
16 Oct 11 View Image Outside the ranch! The incognito sign for skywalker ranch. 9 Oct 11 View Image Darth Vader has a posse 8 Jun 11 View Image Vader holding Vader. TB3MQPR @ GC2W7YM Yup, my mom is our family's Darth Vader. My sons, fellow cachers BiggBubba and BiggTrouble, are in the picture frame behind her. 8 Jun 11 View Image Vader visits the Evil Empire. TB3MQPR @ GC2W7YM The TB hotel associated with Deep Harmonic Disturbance is actually across the street in my parents' store. Their corporate name? Evil Empire, Inc. No, really.