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For geopeitur301's Finland geocoin

25 Nov 07 View Image C:\Documents and Settings\Bob\Desktop\geocoin.jpg 3 Nov 07 View Image The coin in a parade! As the current Chairman of the Metro Orlando UCF Alumni Association, I had the opportunity to ride in the homecoming parade. So, what better place to grab a photo of the coin than in the parade! Had a great time and UCF won the football game later that day against Marshall University! Go Knights!! 3 Nov 07 View Image LEAD Scholars of UCF!! This is another photo of the LEAD Scholars float in the UCF Homecoming parade. The theme for the parade was Tales of Terror and what better way to show the theme than with the masters of mystery and terror than the Scooby Doo gang! I love that cartoon!! 3 Nov 07 View Image The LEAD Scholars and the geocoin What a great day for a parade. And what a great group of students from the LEAD Scholars program on the UCF Campus. Grabbed a photo of the geocoin with the students in front of their float, which had a Scooby Doo theme (I loved that cartoon growing up!). A big thanks goes out the students!! Go Knights!!
26 Jan 06 View Image Finland geocoin