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For Dr. Henry Jones Jr. Travel Bug

13 Jan 18 View Image Dirckson Nature Park Out in the woods 4 Aug 15 View Image Indy at bench On the Discovery trail, about .5 miles from GZ. 4 Aug 15 View Image Indy at tree Clark's tree; a bronze recreation of the pine tree which marked the end of Clark's journey up the coast. Inscribed with the phrase, "William Clark. November 19, 1805. By land from the U. States." 4 Aug 15 View Image Jones, Lewis, and Clark Indy at Lewis and Clark statue in downtown Long Beach. About 1.5 miles from GZ.
27 Jul 15 View Image Bigfoot Museum Dr. Wallace Wrightwood's North American Museum of Anthropology from 'Harry and the Hendersons', now the Espresso Chalet in Index, WA. 27 Jul 15 View Image Bigfoot Espresso Chalet in Index, WA 30 May 10 View Image Dr. Henry Jones Jr.