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For Phony Sony

14 Sep 06 View Image Phony Sony & GeoPig GeoPig tried to hold Phony Sony like the picture on the TB page. Unfortunately, her hooves were too small to work the buttons. 14 Sep 06 View Image Along the Huron River in Ann Arbor 5 Jul 06 View Image "Penguin TB March to Geobash" Tour Group MaxB's escorted TB Tour Group are looking forward to meeting all the Midwest Penguins who are assembling at the Midwest Geobash. Shown are Tb's: Ole Ole Ole, WJTB Sroul, Pippy Penguin, Mardi Gras Beads, Chrisguns Mt McKinley Coin, Silver Liz, Floydsters Coin, Teal Teddy, Chilly Willy, Headin East, Phony Sony, WJTB Tasha, Peppy Penguin. 3 Jul 06 View Image 5 Cent Tour Guides Team 5-Cent served as guides for the TB Tour Group arriving at the Big Orange. They had a flashy new tour vehicle, but we were worried about the foot hanging out of the back. Could that be the missing Old Rocker heading for a resting spot at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland?
2 Jul 06 View Image Phony Sony on the RIver Phony Sony visits MaxB's on the St Joseph River in Michigan 1 Jan 06 View Image Phony Sony Travel Bug