Võti 1
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Wednesday, June 29, 2022
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To travel only at Haanja's hills caches.
See rändur tahab olla ainult Haanja mägede aaretes.
This bug wants to travel only on Haanjas hills caches. Do not take it any further and put it back to different cache you took it from.
If you decided to take this bug with you, then register it out of the cache you took it from and then take the key with you. So other players will know where the key is. Also do not forget to register the bug in the cache you put it to.
See rändur tahab rännata ainult Haanja mägede aaretes. Ära vii seda siit kaugemale ja ära pane rändurit tagasi sinna aardesse kust sa ta võtsid.
Kui sa otsustasid ränduri ikkagi kaasa võtta, siis registreeri ta sellest aardest välja ja siis võta alles kaasa. Nii teavad teised mängijad arvestada selle asukohaga. Ja kindlasti registreeri ta sinna aardesse kuhu sa ta panid
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