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Travel Track Shadow the dog!

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The_greeinesreading Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Sunday, January 1, 2023
South East England, United Kingdom
Recently Spotted:
In the hands of Firework99.

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Current Goal

This trackable is named after our family dog Shadow, as the picture is very similar looking! At the time of posting he is 6 months old and loves walking with us to explore and hunt for caches!

We would like this trackable to travel to places that dogs would love to visit as well ��

Please try not to hold onto him for too long otherwise he gets bored like all dogs! ��‍����


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Tracking History (7498.8mi) View Map

Retrieve It from a Cache 5/9/2023 misty's muskateers retrieved it from M4S3 - Deer Spotting Southern England, United Kingdom   Visit Log

Logan and I found this one where we also saw some deer I will move it on asap

  • Logan The Collie
  • The Deer
Dropped Off 5/1/2023 The_greeinesreading placed it in M4S3 - Deer Spotting Southern England, United Kingdom   Visit Log

Shadow the real dog enjoyed digging by this cache so we thought it was the perfect cache to leave the trackable named after him! Enjoy taking him to another cache that dogs would love to visit 😊

data on this page is cached for 3 mins