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Community Volunteer Tag Fly High Sisi (Dog)

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_Zelda Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Monday, February 19, 2024
Pomorskie, Poland
Recently Spotted:
In Handwerker-Verein - ein (Travelbug-)Hotel

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Current Goal


Dotrzeć do Gminy Krokowa 

Dotrzeć to NIemiec

Dotrzeć do Weimar 

Jako że sisi miała pewny incydent gdzie uciekła do gdyni za mojim dziadkiem ku jej cześć chcę żeby Travel bug podrózował po Europie 



Goals Reach the Krokowa commune To reach is German Reach Weimar Since Sisi had an incident where she ran away to Gdynia after my grandfather, in her honor I want the Travel bug to travel around Europe After all the travels, let TB return to Poland to Gdynia

Po Wszystkich Podróżach niech TB wróci do Polski do gdyni 



About This Item

 Wyżeł weimarski krótkowłosy  imieniem Sisi to był pies mojej babci , miała ona zielone oczy i uciety ogon , dlatego że była uratowana z chodowli dla psów modelów i ucinanie ogonów była na ten czas modne 


Początkowo miała na imie Hanna


Urodziła się 2011 i umarła w 2023 




A short-haired Weimaraner named Sisi was my grandmother's dog, she had green eyes and a cut tail, because she was rescued from a breeding farm for model dogs and docking tails was fashionable at that time

Her name was originally Hanna

She was born in 2011 and died in 2023

Tracking History (9661.9mi) View Map

Visited 4/1/2024 Ben24 took it to s neie Tischl Sachsen, Germany - 1.19 miles  Visit Log


Visited 4/1/2024 Ben24 took it to I love Musik 23 Sachsen, Germany - 121.57 miles  Visit Log


Visited 4/1/2024 Ben24 took it to Teichblick Sachsen, Germany - 122.02 miles  Visit Log


Visited 3/30/2024 Ben24 took it to [BD] TB-Hotel Potsdam Nord Brandenburg, Germany - 81.49 miles  Visit Log


Visited 3/30/2024 Ben24 took it to Fahr doch nach Berlin Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany - 1.16 miles  Visit Log


Visited 3/30/2024 Ben24 took it to Nr. 02 – Hier geht’s zur A19! Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany - 19.6 miles  Visit Log


Visited 3/30/2024 Ben24 took it to 2016 Matrix Challenge Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany - 12.44 miles  Visit Log


Visited 3/30/2024 Ben24 took it to 44 Rostocker Greif - Legenden von Rostock Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany - 14.83 miles  Visit Log


Visited 3/28/2024 Ben24 took it to Sonnenkönig samt Reich # Bonus Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany - .34 miles  Visit Log


Visited 3/28/2024 Ben24 took it to Sonnenkönig samt Reich #1 Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany - .07 miles  Visit Log


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