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Travel Bug Dog Tag Drobec's World Travel Bug

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drobec Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Saturday, March 31, 2007
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In the hands of paulojsp37.

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Current Goal

Travel from country to country trough all capital cities all around the world and come back to Bratislava, Slovakia, Europe. If is it possible, please, send photo from capital city, where travel bug actually is to e-mail

About This Item

A very frequent geographical question is "How many countries are in the world?." Different numbers pop up when one inquires or reads about the number of countries in the world. Each source you use often yields a different answer. Ultimately, the best answer is that there are 193 countries in the world.

Visited countries: 1. Slovakia, Bratislava 2. Austria, Vien 3. Portugal, Lisboa 4. Norway, Oslo 5. Czech Republic, Prague 6. France, Paris 7. ?

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Tracking History (6488.7mi) View Map

Retrieve It from a Cache 4/21/2007 SHANTI Team retrieved it from Hvezdarna a planetarium Johanna Palisy Moravskoslezský kraj, Czechia   Visit Log

Tak a pujdes se mnou dal...

Discovered It 4/20/2007 mmmgc discovered it   Visit Log

Nevím kdy se nekam dostanu, tak ho tu radši nechám

Dropped Off 4/14/2007 staska placed it in Hvezdarna a planetarium Johanna Palisy Moravskoslezský kraj, Czechia - 43.54 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 4/13/2007 staska retrieved it from Podebrady cache Olomoucký kraj, Czechia   Visit Log

Snad se z Ostravy nekam dostane (Praha, Varsava).

Dropped Off 4/13/2007 retro2004 placed it in Podebrady cache Olomoucký kraj, Czechia - 95.89 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 4/8/2007 retro2004 retrieved it from Dablova prdel / Devil's ass Jihočeský kraj, Czechia   Visit Log

Poslu dal.

Discovered It 4/7/2007 Vlamat discovered it   Visit Log

I have seen it in Devil's ass. Thanks for discovering.

Dropped Off 4/6/2007 drobec placed it in Dablova prdel / Devil's ass Jihočeský kraj, Czechia   Visit Log
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