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Dartmoor National Park 2022 Geocoin

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heavenlymx Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Monday, February 7, 2022
South West England, United Kingdom
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Current Goal

I am in the Dartmoor Geocoin race, which started 1 Feb 2022. The aim is for me to clock up as many miles as possible, I am a little late starting so need all the help I can get. 

​​​​​​If you discover me in a cache, take me, log me on and move me on ASAP.  I prefer to be left in a cache rather than just visit caches (unless of course your going on a long trip). If you have any questions as my owner via

Many thanks ��



About This Item

Keep Me Moving!

No additional details available.

Gallery Images related to Dartmoor National Park 2022 Geocoin

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Tracking History (18035.3mi) View Map

Visited 5/7/2023 SteUtz took it to Autostop : A6 Nord - Aire des pâtures Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, France - 250.9 miles  Visit Log
Visited 5/1/2023 SteUtz took it to A8 Parkplatz Kämpfelbach (DRIVE OUT) 🚖 Baden-Württemberg, Germany - 149.74 miles  Visit Log
Visited 5/1/2023 SteUtz took it to Friede ihren Seelen Bayern, Germany - .3 miles  Visit Log
Visited 5/1/2023 SteUtz took it to #25 - Thomas Müller Bayern, Germany - .75 miles  Visit Log
Visited 5/1/2023 SteUtz took it to Just my 5 cents about magnetism Bayern, Germany - .46 miles  Visit Log
Visited 5/1/2023 SteUtz took it to Das Schwert Bayern, Germany - 1.06 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 4/26/2023 SteUtz retrieved it from TB Hotel "Zum Pfahl" A8 / B300 [de/en] Bayern, Germany   Visit Log

Du kommst mit

Visited 4/22/2023 SteUtz took it to Giordano Bayern, Germany - 2.28 miles  Visit Log
Visited 4/22/2023 SteUtz took it to #01 Sepp Maier Bayern, Germany - 4.09 miles  Visit Log
Visited 4/22/2023 SteUtz took it to #07 Franck Ribéry Bayern, Germany - 3.23 miles  Visit Log
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