~§~ The FOSSILIZED Racer ~§~
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Tuesday, November 28, 2023
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In Goodbye Land of the Long White Cloud (Auckland)
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1. Zmagati 1. Mesto v Dirki sledljivčkov.
2. Prepotovati največ km/miles.
3. Obiskati nore lokacije.
4. Vrniti lastniku po opravljeni dirki.
1. Win 1st Place in Tracker Race.
2. Travel maximum km/miles.
3. Visit crazy locations.
4. Return to the owner after completing the race.
Sem "FOSILIZIRANI dirkač" in moj glavni cilj je zmagati to dirko... Zmaga je že zagotovljena! Ker dirkam ze milijarde let.
Vso srečo mojim so tekmecem ... naj se dirka začne!
I am "The FOSSILIZED Racer" and my main goal is to win this race... Victory is already guaranteed! Because I've been racing for billions of years.
Good luck to my competitors... Let the race begin
i am participating in a race called "race of tackebals 2024" where I try to get the mots kilometers possible. if u can't help me on my travels please give me to somebody that can.
sodelujem v dirki imenovani "race of tackebals 2024", kjer poskušam pridobiti čim več kilometrov. če mi na potovanju ne morete pomagati, me dajte nekomu, ki mi lahko .
Trackable race 2024, organised by Slovenian Geocaching Club, started on December 9, 2023, and will run until December 8, 2024. The racer with the greatest distance travelled will win. Check the weekly updated leaderboard and map with the current standings of the race at www.geocacher.si/dirka-2024/.
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