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Travel Bug Origins Tag Bob zoekt zijn vriendjes

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Team Nessa Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Thursday, April 21, 2022
Gelderland, Netherlands
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In the hands of pepazder.

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Bob houdt van reizen en zou graag op de foto gaan met zijn vriendjes over de hele wereld.
We wensen je een goede reis en heel veel plezier Bob!


Bob loves traveling and would love to be in pictures with his friends all over the world.

We wish you a save trip and lots of fun Bob!

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Gallery Images related to Bob zoekt zijn vriendjes

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Tracking History (3972.6mi) View Map

Retrieve It from a Cache 6/25/2022 Ogiko retrieved it from Secesny kastiel –Alexandrov Dvor Nitriansky kraj, Slovakia   Visit Log

Taký veľký a zlatý… no nevezmi ho.

Discovered It 5/28/2022 HRusina discovered it   Visit Log

Seen in Instagram, thank you for sharing and greetings from Finland.

Dropped Off 5/22/2022 marmelada placed it in Secesny kastiel –Alexandrov Dvor Nitriansky kraj, Slovakia - 637.1 miles  Visit Log
Visited 5/14/2022 marmelada took it to [G] 15e eeuwse stadsmuur OLD WALL[OUDESPIEGELSTR] Noord-Holland, Netherlands - 441.7 miles  Visit Log
Visited 5/14/2022 marmelada took it to GPS MAZE EUROPE 2020 Prague – Edition 2022 Hlavní město Praha, Czechia - 403.07 miles  Visit Log
Visited 5/13/2022 marmelada took it to Meet & Greet Prague - Edition 2022 Hlavní město Praha, Czechia - 441.76 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 5/13/2022 marmelada retrieved it from kade bieb Noord-Holland, Netherlands   Visit Log

🤡 U mne 🤡

Visited 5/12/2022 marmelada took it to [E]15e eeuwse stadsmuur OLD CITYWALL|DRIEKONINGEN Noord-Holland, Netherlands - 1.02 miles  Visit Log
Discovered It 5/12/2022 Civin discovered it Noord-Holland, Netherlands   Visit Log


Discovered It 5/8/2022 wienerpatzl discovered it Noord-Holland, Netherlands   Visit Log

I have seen Bob at a really nice cache in Amsterdam

Best wishes to your journey

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