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Wonders of the World Tag Hawk Moon Mountain

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Monday, October 11, 2021
New York, United States
Recently Spotted:
In Christmas Cache

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Current Goal

To move from cache to cache by as many cachers as possible.

About This Item

A Hawk Mountain keychain with a Europa travel tag.

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    Tracking History (917.3mi) View Map

    Visited 11/13/2021 Tundra Wolf took it to It's a Hoot! Pennsylvania - 63.48 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 11/13/2021 Tundra Wolf took it to Red Brook State Forest #3 - Willet Rd. New York - 51.34 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 11/11/2021 Tundra Wolf took it to SuperSister1 Pennsylvania - 18 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 11/11/2021 Tundra Wolf took it to East Ararat Cemetery Pennsylvania - 16.15 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 11/8/2021 Tundra Wolf took it to Just do it for the Smiley #7 Pennsylvania - 83.82 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 11/6/2021 Tundra Wolf took it to Ghosts at Sylvan Beach??? New York - 52.93 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 11/6/2021 Tundra Wolf took it to CITO Event 2021 Letterbox New York - 29.78 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 11/4/2021 Tundra Wolf took it to Live Your Life By A Compass Not A Clock New York - 13.78 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 10/31/2021 Tundra Wolf took it to Golden Arches New York - 12.78 miles  Visit Log
    Retrieve It from a Cache 10/31/2021 Tundra Wolf retrieved it from Indian Castle New York   Visit Log

    The Wolf Pack of the Southern Tier of NY was hunting north of our territory today........and naturally we only hunt for geocache smileys 😉. Sadly, we missed (by several hours) the FTF on this new one. But we made it our last stop of the evening as we were headed home 🙂. I spotted this still sitting safe and sound in the cache and awaiting a cacher to take it on it's way!

    So it will run with the wolves for a bit visiting {mainly} our FTF caches 😁. Then we'll find it another safe and dry cache in which it can await more adventures with another geocacher 👍!

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