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Travel Bug Dog Tag Woodie en Teamstempel Team Hill

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Miss_Hill Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Monday, August 24, 2020
Noord-Brabant, Netherlands
Recently Spotted:
In the hands of the owner.

This is collectible.

Use TB9PMFP to reference this item.

First time logging a Trackable? Click here.

Current Goal

Missie: Zoveel mogelijk ontdekt worden door medecachers.

Laat even weten waar je de stempel hebt gezien.

Of waar je de Woodie hebt gevonden.

De woodie mag je online discoveren, maar in het veld mag je hem meenemen.


Als je mij gevonden hebt, mag je de banner plaatsen op je profiel.


<div style="text-align:center;"><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Logstempel Team Hill" title="Logstempel Team Hill" width="500" height="200" style="border:5px solid black"></a><div style=" margin:0 auto; width: 500px; text-align:center;">Log stempel Team Hill</div></div>

About This Item

Woodie team Hill

Deze trackable is een stempel, die we gebruiken tijdens onze gezamenlijke geocachezoektochten.

Sinds december 2020 is deze code ook een woodie.

Die mag je online discoveren, en de houten coin mag je meenemen en bewaren. Hebbes = Houwes

Als cadeau gekregen van Miss~Hill, nemen we deze mee tijdens onze avonturen.

Ons team bestaat uit DH0412 en Miss-Hill



Gallery Images related to Woodie en Teamstempel Team Hill

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Tracking History (2578.5mi) View Map

Discovered It 8/22/2024 hobbyschweizer discovered it   Visit Log

Stempel heute entdeckt in der Letterbox "Really SideTracked - Dubrovnik old train station"

Discovered It 8/18/2024 geonimma discovered it   Visit Log

Gezien in het logboek van de Megense muis bonus (GC8C34Y)

Discovered It 8/16/2024 nootdropje discovered it   Visit Log

Gezien tijdens het cachen in Overijssel.

Discovered It 8/13/2024 [CG] discovered it   Visit Log

Danke fürs Zeigen.👍

Discovered It 8/4/2024 CRVonFange discovered it   Visit Log

Thanks to the 2023 Christmas Day blizzard in northeast Nebraska my daughter, JMVonFange, was delayed in heading home to Oklahoma so we spent the bonus time together comparing our caching statistics including trackables moved/discovered and looking through our geocaching pictures and notes. After many hours of checking TB Codes from pictures and on scraps of paper, I have done my best to create a “discovered/to discover” data base of trackables. Of course, some of the TB Codes have been retrieved and discovered in a cache we visited or an event that was attended, but many more were spotted virtually on various social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, etc. while we were staying home during the COVID pandemic. I found a number of TB Codes necessary for discovering the trackable were actually included right on the TB Page itself or as an unintentional spoiler in the TB photo gallery; however, a few TB owners have included tracking codes on their profile page. I also found TB codes left behind by other cachers in cache and TB logs.

Hopefully, my data base will help me to avoid multiple discoveries of the same trackable item although I did find several TBs that I have actually retrieved/grabbed/moved twice. If I have accidentally discovered your trackable due to a typo, I hope that you will allow my discovered log to remain even though virtual discoveries are becoming less common, as I appreciate the opportunity to see such a wide variety of different and unique trackable items. I only have three trackables that are activated at this time, one is lost in the wild, one is traveling with me, and the third was recently won at an event, but I will gladly share the codes with you via the geocaching message center if you are interested in discovering them. You can reach out the same way if you want one or more of your TBs to visit caches in Nebraska, Iowa, and/or South Dakota.

The TB Code for this trackable item was found after a hint in another TB log which pointed me to a CO profile page filed with many "found it" banner (something that is much more popular in Europe than in the United States).

Write note 8/4/2024 ChrisDinie posted a note for it   Visit Log

Hello, the 3rd cache has been logged on holiday in Scotland and a trade has been left from Germany. MP5JWV Have fun travelling.

Hallo, hier wurde nun der 3. Cache im Schottland Urlaub geloggt und ein Trade aus Deutschland hinterlassen. MP5JWV Viel Spaß beim weiter reisen.

Discovered It 8/4/2024 ChrisDinie discovered it   Visit Log


Discovered It 7/7/2024 daksya discovered it   Visit Log

Discovered, thanks for sharing!

Discovered It 7/2/2024 wededa discovered it   Visit Log

in einem Logbuch entdeckt.
Danke sagt   

 ___          ___   _____    ______        _____   ______         ____
(   (          )   )  /  ___/  (_    __  \     /  ___/  (_    __  \      (      )
 \   \   _   /   / (  (__        )  )    \  \  (  (__        )  )   \  \    /  /\  \
  \   \/  \/   /   )  __)      (  (      )  )   )   __)     (  (     )  )  (  (__)  )
   )     _      (  (  (           )  )     )  )   (  (          )  )     )  )   )       (
   \   (   )   /   \  \___    /  /__ /  /    \  \___   /  /__/  /   /  /\   \
    \_/   \_/      \____\ (______/        \____\ (______/  /__(  )__\

Aus Germany / NRW

Discovered It 6/17/2024 Quakersteam discovered it   Visit Log

Set i en log😁
Tak for fremvisning 👍

data on this page is cached for 3 mins