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Travel Bug Dog Tag Otti in love on tour

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Scylla1337 Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Monday, April 5, 2021
Bremen, Germany
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### Otti in love on tour - english version below ###

Otti würde sich freuen, wenn er seinen Lebensabend auf Island oder Hawaii verbringen kann. Bis dahin möchte er so viele schöne Orte der Welt besuchen, wie er nur kann.

Otti would be happy if he can spend his remaining years on Iceland or Hawaii. Until that day he wants to visit as much of the many beautiful places in the world as he possibly can.

About This Item

Otti in love on tour

Das ist Otti. Er liebt dich und die Welt!

This is Otti. He loves you and the world!

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Tracking History (11574.5mi) View Map

Visited 4/27/2024 bilbo60 took it to Kilometerstein Bayern, Germany - 5.45 miles  Visit Log
Visited 4/27/2024 bilbo60 took it to Alt`s Schwimmboud Bayern, Germany - 1.45 miles  Visit Log
Visited 4/27/2024 bilbo60 took it to # 17 - "12 Apostel-Weg" Bayern, Germany - 7.19 miles  Visit Log
Visited 4/27/2024 bilbo60 took it to Brennersgrüner Mooshäuschen Thüringen, Germany - 11.42 miles  Visit Log
Visited 4/27/2024 bilbo60 took it to "Durchs Grubenholz" - # 10 Gaststätte Frankenwald Bayern, Germany - .97 miles  Visit Log
Visited 4/27/2024 bilbo60 took it to "Durchs Grubenholz" - # 5 Die Eulenburg Bayern, Germany - .23 miles  Visit Log
Visited 4/27/2024 bilbo60 took it to "Durchs Grubenholz" - # 6 Petrologie Bayern, Germany - 1.43 miles  Visit Log
Visited 4/27/2024 bilbo60 took it to "Durchs Grubenholz" - # 11 Doch nicht klettern? Bayern, Germany - .26 miles  Visit Log
Visited 4/27/2024 bilbo60 took it to "Durchs Grubenholz" - # 12 Totholz Bayern, Germany - .64 miles  Visit Log
Visited 4/27/2024 bilbo60 took it to "Durchs Grubenholz" - # 16 Klassiker zum Abschluss Bayern, Germany - 1.78 miles  Visit Log
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