7th Vinyl Racer
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The Scarlet Beaver
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Friday, December 24, 2021
Colorado, United States
Recently Spotted:
In Reha Dr. Phu (TB-Hotel)
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This TB is part of a friendly competition between middle school grades. Take this far and fast! Teams get points for distance traveled, state borders crossed, and pictures logged.
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Gallery Images related to 7th Vinyl Racer
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Tracking History (31232.1mi) View Map
Isibär took it to Fellnase Amy 2
Grand-Est, France
- 1.67 miles
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Isibär took it to Fellnase Amy 1
Grand-Est, France
- .23 miles
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Isibär took it to Amitié - Freundschaft
Grand-Est, France
- .69 miles
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Isibär took it to FellnaseAmy3
Grand-Est, France
- 1.11 miles
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Isibär took it to Fellnase Amy 4
Grand-Est, France
- 1.59 miles
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Isibär took it to Rhin-Velo-42
Grand-Est, France
- .11 miles
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Isibär took it to Rhin-Velo-41
Grand-Est, France
- .39 miles
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Isibär took it to Rhin-Velo-43
Grand-Est, France
- .16 miles
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Isibär took it to Rhin-Velo-44
Grand-Est, France
- .35 miles
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Isibär took it to Rhin-Velo-46
Grand-Est, France
- .14 miles
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