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Holiday Tree Travel Bug LE LEPRECHAUNE

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Stitch2577 Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Sunday, August 2, 2020
Île-de-France, France
Recently Spotted:
In the hands of RLC_lcy.

This is not collectible.

Use TB9EEV8 to reference this item.

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Current Goal

Ce LEPRECHAUNE à perdue son trésor, il le cherche partout dans les caches qui pour lui sont des chaudrons modernes, dès qu'il voit un arc en ciel il deviens fou et espère retrouver le sien. Il voudrais absolument rejoindre l'IRLANDE pour se faire aider des autres LEPRECHAUNE.

This LEPRECHAUNE has lost his treasure, he seeks it everywhere in the caches which for him are modern cauldrons, as soon as he sees a rainbow he goes mad and hopes to find his own. He would definitely like to join IRELAND to get help from other LEPRECHAUNS

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Gallery Images related to LE LEPRECHAUNE

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Tracking History (21242.6mi) View Map

Retrieve It from a Cache 7/10/2022 RLC_lcy retrieved it from Annabel's first one! West Midlands, United Kingdom   Visit Log


Dropped Off 3/5/2022 Sherpa_white placed it in Annabel's first one! West Midlands, United Kingdom - 15.3 miles  Visit Log

Dropped off for further travels, tftc

Retrieve It from a Cache 2/10/2022 Sherpa_white retrieved it from AMIL - Un-stile-ish West Midlands, United Kingdom   Visit Log

Thank you for the trackable. Will try to move as quickly as possible.

Dropped Off 2/7/2022 knightsu placed it in AMIL - Un-stile-ish West Midlands, United Kingdom - 14.25 miles  Visit Log

Left tb

Retrieve It from a Cache 1/16/2022 knightsu retrieved it from I. C. W. C.M.E. No4 West Midlands, United Kingdom   Visit Log

Will move on soon

Dropped Off 1/5/2022 rustythevet placed it in I. C. W. C.M.E. No4 West Midlands, United Kingdom - 9,474.86 miles  Visit Log

Moved 28,000km!

Retrieve It from a Cache 1/5/2022 rustythevet retrieved it from Jardin d'eau French Polynesia   Visit Log

Retrieved 6 months ago when stuck in French Polynesia.

Write note 2/22/2021 neimad85 posted a note for it   Visit Log

En ma possession depuis St Malo... un petit voyage à l'autre bout du monde... direction Tahiti! Dans ce joli jardin d'eau!... fera t'il escale sur un autre continent?

Dropped Off 2/21/2021 neimad85 placed it in Jardin d'eau French Polynesia - 7.48 miles  Visit Log
Visited 2/17/2021 neimad85 took it to Secret Pools @ The Twin Cascades (Tahiti) French Polynesia - 10,177.13 miles  Visit Log
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