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Travel Bug Dog Tag O.C.B.©

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TEAM 360 Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Sunday, September 7, 2003
Oregon, United States
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O.C.B. appearances worldwide:

Austria x2
Belgium x2
Canada x2
France x2

United States


About This Item

Original Can of Beans

The O.C.B. (Original Can of Beans) is Geocachings First Trade Item, placed in the "Original Stash" by Dave Ulmer (the Inventor of Geocaching and the hider of the first cache) back in May of 2000.

This is Last Remaining Item from the Very First Geocache!

While creating the Original Stash Tribute Plaque, TEAM 360 found the Holy Grail of Geocaching: The O.C.B.

Dave Ulmer, at the site for the Plaque ceremony, immediately confirmed that it was indeed the Original Can of Beans from that very first geocache.

Damaged from being partially buried and exposed to the weather of the Portland area for several years, the can was very carefully straightened out and thoroughly cleaned, then treated with several coats of rust stopper/converter and u.v.-resistant polyurethane. During attendance at Events, it's in a clear display case for all geocachers to enjoy. There are no 'Virtual Finds' allowed on the O.C.B.

To see videos posted by geopablomac of the First Geocache being created and the recovery of the O.C.B. by TEAM 360 in September of 2003, CLICK HERE

Some of the Geocaching Events where the Original Can of Beans has appeared:

Brunete4Geo 2020+1 in Brunete, Spain
OCB Chili Cook-Off & 20th Birthday Celebration in California
Summer, Sun & Fun 2018 - Austria
GeoCoinFest Europe 2017 - Aarschot, Belgium
Project Let's Zeppelin 2017 in Friedrichshafen, Germany
Maritime Mega 4 in Truro, Nova Scotia, Canada
EUROGEO 2016 in Auvergne, France
Midwest Geobash 2015 in Ohio
Alleghany State Park Geobash IX in New York
Rally in Q 2014 in Arizona
Geocoinfest 2013: Las Vegas, Nevada
West Bend $1000 Cache Ba$h 2013 in Wisconsin
S*W*A*G's Yuma Mega #11 in Arizona
Yuma Mega Event # 10 in Arizona
Geocoinfest U.S. 2012 in Colorado
Super Birthday Bash 2012 in Florida
MEGA EVENT FRANCE en Montagne Bourbonnaise 2011
MidWest GeoBash 2010 in Ohio
Pinzgau 2010 in Austria
Welcome Back Event 2010 in Arizona
GeoWoodstock 4 2006 in Texas
GeoWoodstock 5 2007 in North Carolina
GeoWoodstock 6 2008 in California
GeoWoodstock 10 2012 in Indiana

GeoWoodstock 14er 2016 in Colorado
GeoWoodstock XX 2024 in Flagstaff, Arizona
MiGO Winter Social 2008 in Michigan
Meet & Greet Groundspeak 2008 in Nevada
Yuma Meet and Greet 2007 in Arizona
Third Annual Valencia Fun Day! 2007 in New Mexico
Coffee, Coins & Sigs Event 2007 in Michigan
Fright in Falcon 2006 in Colorado
The Tale of Pirates Lost Treasure 2006 in Michigan
MiGO Fall Fun Day 2006 in Michigan
Picnic NGA-SG 2006 in Nevada
2006 Dog Days of Summer Meet & Greet in Illinois
Coffee, Coins & Sigs 2006 in Michigan
Meet & Greet - O C B 2006 in Kentucky
MiGO 2005 Fall Fun Day in Michigan
Hummer Dinner Celebration - 2nd Annual 2005 in New Mexico
2004 Tucson Geocaching Extravaganza in Arizona
1st Annual Beatty Geocaching Rendezvous 2004 in Nevada
Eat, Drink and God Bless America IV 2004 in California
1st Annual, International Geo-Caching Social 2004 in Michigan
2003 Tucson Geocaching Extravaganza 2003 in Arizona




Here's what geocachers everywhere are saying about the Original Can of Beans:

The JAMS (Josss, Alibags, Metal-Bijou & Simply Paul) travelled over a thousand miles (1,600Km) to see the O.C.B. at the Austrian Mega - and then 1000 miles back to the UK. Several hundred Euros well spent on Diesel to see one of the very first cache's contents. An almost religious experience. Thanks for the opportunity to behold the Original Can o' Beans!

What an honour to discover the O.C.B. at the Pinzgau 2010 Mega-Event and make some pictures! Now i have met the "Holy Grail" of Geocaching!

Its a real relic, what a honour to see it, its breathtaking!

Wonderfull TB! Thank's to the TEAM 360 for showing the O.C.B. at the French MEGA!

Vu lors du 1er mega-event français en montagne Bourbonnaise. Mythique !!!

Seen during the French Mega. It was like seeing the Holy Grail being unveiled. Thank you Jeff for the performance

Vu lors du premier Mega Event en France, super !!!!

What an honor and pleasure to be able to get a glimpse of the holy grail. Thanks for showing.

Thanks for bringing it to Europe. It was an honour and pleasure to see the OCB

Made the pilgrimage to Geowoodstock VI from Seattle. How cool is it to get to visit the Original Stash Tribute Plaque AND the OCB in the same weekend?!?! Thanks for keeping this piece of GC history so well preserved

Now I feel like I am part of history seeing this OCB in person. Thanks.

I had heard all about the OCB from reading the forums but I didn't realize that I'd ever have a chance to see it some time. Very cool.

I discovered this Greatest of All Travel Bugs at the GeoWoodstock VI event. I was very impressed.
Wow How great is this!

To SEE the OCB live and in person. If it gets any better than this I don't want to know! It was great to read the story of the first cache. and see this very special geocaching icon.
Thank you for sharing it with the world!

Never thought I would be so excited to see a rusty can of beans.
The Holy Grail of Geocaching.

WOW!! The one and only. What a discovery at GW VI. Thanks!!

I can die now, as my own eyes have beheld the O.C.B.! Thanks for caring for and displaying the historic relic. All hail the O.C.B.!

This is a culmination of my caching career to actually see and discover this gem. Thanks for taking this along to the it is a milestone of milestones. Honor to log this into my history. Thank you for all.

It's amazing that an old can of beans can have groupies! I heard about this icon of geo-lore as I was volunteering at the Auction Table. It went like this: "I saw the O.C.B.!" "Are you kidding? Where is it?" And the two cachers went off to discover it... which, of course, we did also! Thanks for saving it.

Everyone wanted to see the O.C.B. including me. All you had to do to find it was look for the biggest crowd. Thanks for sharing.

I've been waiting for a long time to "see the beans" and now I finally get the chance to. This is like the MECCA of travel bugs and we bow before its presence.

I discovered the O.C.B. at the "We have a FEVER for a picnic at the park" event today. As cheesy as it may sound, I am truly honored to be able to see this O.C.B. in person. There is no doubt in my mind that it will find itself a permanent home in the future "Geocaching Museum" someday. In the meantime, huge thanks to Team 360 for restoring and preserving this part of Geocaching history. Thanks also for making it so easily available for the Geocaching public to view. I'm proud to have been able to see it with my own eyes. Thanks!

Seeing the O.C.B. was definitely a highlight of the GeoWoodstock 5 experience. The pageantry. The glory. The O.C.B.!

Never knew an old can of beans could be such a celebrity. The music, the spectacle, the people taking their picture with the beans -- I think this is a once-in-a-lifetime kind of thing for sure. :)

We were part of a group of cachers that drove 36 hours or so to be at Geowoodstock. Seeing the O.C.B. was definitely one of the highlights of the trip. Thanks for the discovery!

WOW!!! Discovered this at GW5 and what an AMAZING experience it was to have seen such a HISTORICAL piece of memorabilia. I have always heard about this but it was an EXPERIENCE to actually have seen it with my own eyes!!
Thanks to TEAM 360 for the AMAZING EXPERIENCE!!!

Seeing the unveiling of the OCB was almost like a religious experience.

Discovered at GW5. Nice display of showmanship in the dramatic reveal! The crowd went wild!

We're honored to have been able to see it on 3 separate occasions.

WoooHooo, what a neat experience!
This summer my son and I were in Washington, D.C. and saw the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Along with a few monuments and TONS of people.
In its own way the OCB is the same type of experience.







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Discovered It 5/29/2024 Kaixolotl discovered it   Visit Log

So happy I got to see it in person! I love that we still have this great relic of the past. I hope this amazing fun and adventurous game continues for years to come! ❤️🤩🥳😁🧭🗺🌎

Move To Collection 5/26/2024 TEAM 360 moved it to their collection   Visit Log
Discovered It 5/26/2024 Pnutmom2001 discovered it   Visit Log

Seen at GWXX yesterday!! Thanks for bringing it for us to see and discover!

  • Seen at GWXX yesterday!! Thanks for bringing it for us to see and discover! Log image uploaded from Geocaching® app
Discovered It 5/26/2024 Jultoz discovered it   Visit Log

Saw it at the GeoWoodStockXX in Flagstaff Arizona. I've been to the original stash plaque, so it is amazing to see the contents of it!

  •  Log image uploaded from Geocaching® app
Discovered It 5/25/2024 CP590 discovered it   Visit Log

Fun to discover the OCB! Thanks for bringing it to GeoWoodstock!

  • OCB!
Discovered It 5/25/2024 CacheFam!ly discovered it   Visit Log

Discovered at GeoWoodstock XX!!! Thanks!

Discovered It 5/25/2024 Chummyfungus discovered it   Visit Log

Seen it at Geowoodstock

Discovered It 5/25/2024 TeamNineLives discovered it   Visit Log

I’ve only seen this from a great distance before. It was a privilege to get close to it at Geowoodstick XX!

Discovered It 5/25/2024 nothingiswrittenhere discovered it   Visit Log

Who would think that I would ever get so starstruck over a can of beans...?!

Discovered It 5/25/2024 Tucson Wildkat discovered it   Visit Log

Discovered this back on 5/24/2008. Discovered again today with my little one SGMustang at Geowoodstock XX in Flagstaff, AZ!

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