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Maverick 65G Geocoin Antalves Maverick 65G Geocoin

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Wednesday, February 7, 2007
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About This Item

Maverick 65G

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Please, place a photograph of caches for where I step!

Gallery Images related to Antalves Maverick 65G Geocoin

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Tracking History (2509mi) View Map

Mark Missing 7/4/2010 Donnacha marked it as missing   Visit Log

[This is an automated message]
This Trackable has been marked ‘missing’ by a cache owner or site administrator. Trackables are marked missing when it is determined that they are no longer located in the cache they are listed in or in the hands of the current holder. Review the most recent logs on this Trackable to learn more information about its current state.

Dropped Off 5/26/2010 laranja placed it in Europe's First Leinster, Ireland - 997.85 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 5/2/2010 laranja retrieved it from Um poço esquecido Lisboa, Portugal   Visit Log

Flying to a new cache!

Discovered It 5/1/2010 DEVORA-TRILHOS discovered it   Visit Log

Encontrámola num poço esqueçido durante uma cachada nocturna
com a companhia da Fonsecada.
Mas não voou connosco,ficou lá.

Discovered It 5/1/2010 Fonsecada-Portucalense discovered it   Visit Log

A Fonsecada-Portucalense e os Devora-Trilhos descobriram esta coin no poço esquecido durante a caçada nocturna dos 10 Anos... e ficou lá.

Dropped Off 5/1/2010 Medoo placed it in Um poço esquecido Lisboa, Portugal - 111.77 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 8/23/2009 Medoo retrieved it from Ribat da Arrifana [Aljezur] Faro, Portugal   Visit Log

Vai viajar para outros lados!

Dropped Off 8/23/2009 Metrass placed it in Ribat da Arrifana [Aljezur] Faro, Portugal - 99.27 miles  Visit Log
Discovered It 5/10/2009 team_araujos discovered it   Visit Log

Na visita de metrass.

Posted using GCz

Retrieve It from a Cache 4/30/2009 Metrass retrieved it from O MUSEU - M26 Lisboa, Portugal   Visit Log


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