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Travel Bug Dog Tag Granny Butterfly

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HappyFrog (& gang) Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Sunday, August 15, 2004
California, United States
Recently Spotted:
Unknown Location

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Current Goal

Granny loves history. She would like to visit places in your town or area that is important in the history of your spot in the universe. Granny is really interested in learning new things.

About This Item

Granny Butterfly was found in a cache while on a trip across the United States. We (PizzaBoy age, 16 years; Granny, age 72 years; and HappyFrog) traveled to different places of United States history during the summer of 2004. These places are places that have changed the life within the United States.

Sadly Granny passed away on the 26th of June 2005. Granny Butterfly was lost in a cache, but I am rereleasing another Granny Butterfly in Granny's memory. Please keep her traveling and think about how history is being made everyday.

Sites of Historial Interest that Granny Butterfly has been to: George S. Patton Memorial Museum, Ronald Reagan Memorial, Gettysburg Battlefield, PA, a border defense system of Ancient Rome in Germany, an old abandoned house in Germany, a federal fortress Ulm, an abacus.

While Granny loved history, she also had earned her Ph.D. Biology and learned Germany while going to school, so she would have enjoyed touring Germany and visiting the cache: Small Botany (where one needed to learn about the different plants in the area, because she loved plants).

What is an important spot of history where you live?

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Tracking History (38914mi) View Map

Dropped Off 8/22/2017 HappyFrog (& gang) placed it in Time & Temp Wisconsin - 2,098.68 miles  Visit Log
Grab It (Not from a Cache) 8/21/2017 HappyFrog (& gang) grabbed it   Visit Log

Granny Butterfly has been missing for quite a while now. We have decided that she should restart her journey. And look for new places to go.

Write note 2/6/2010 HappyFrog (& gang) posted a note for it   Visit Log

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This is a message to let you know that your trackable item TBGG71 has been marked ‘missing’ by a cache owner or a site administrator. Trackable items are marked missing when it is determined that they are no longer located in the cache they are listed in or in the hands of the current holder. Please review the most recent logs on your trackable item to learn more information about its current state.

Dropped Off 8/4/2009 Doc-Dean placed it in Centennial Cache Alaska - 4,881.41 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 4/4/2009 Doc-Dean retrieved it from The Bite is Worse Than the Bark Florida   Visit Log

Picked up from The bite is worse than the bark. I see this butterly has traveled extensively. I'll hold it for a couple of months and move it to a new local when I am on vacation.

Dropped Off 3/27/2009 mmjah5 placed it in The Bite is Worse Than the Bark Florida - 14.84 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 3/9/2009 mmjah5 retrieved it from Wood You Believe... Florida   Visit Log

I will try to get granny some education on Florida

Dropped Off 3/2/2009 bhrbabydoc placed it in Wood You Believe... Florida - 5,006.1 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 2/6/2009 bhrbabydoc retrieved it from ENTENTE Oz: Stage 1 New South Wales, Australia   Visit Log

found in a Sydney cache. This old butterfly wanted to go with us on our cruise! Now flitting about in Florida - where all good grannies go!

Dropped Off 1/27/2009 Team sissifalke placed it in ENTENTE Oz: Stage 1 New South Wales, Australia - 10,137.58 miles  Visit Log
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