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Travel Unicorn Geocoin _Sparkles_

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Amelie2401 Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Saturday, October 20, 2018
Berlin, Germany
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About This Item

Sparkles ist ein süßes Einhorn, dass unserem Sohn auf einer Schiffstour nach Göteborg zugelaufen ist. Seitdem ist es sein treuer Begleiter. Und nun gab es da diesen hübschen TB, der musste es einfach sein :-)


Tracking History (99363.9mi) View Map

Visited 12/21/2024 Amelie2401 took it to Wilder Wedding Berlin, Germany - 4.72 miles  Visit Log
Visited 12/21/2024 Amelie2401 took it to Gelbe 257 Berlin, Germany - 5.88 miles  Visit Log
Visited 12/20/2024 Amelie2401 took it to Gotteshäuser: Kreuzkirche #7 Berlin, Germany - 1.07 miles  Visit Log
Visited 12/20/2024 Amelie2401 took it to an chóiste stáitse Berlin, Germany - .97 miles  Visit Log
Visited 12/20/2024 Amelie2401 took it to Gotteshäuser: Ehemalige Synagoge Grunewald #10 Berlin, Germany - 3.58 miles  Visit Log
Visited 12/18/2024 Amelie2401 took it to Noch 12 Stufen zum Street Yogi-Cache Berlin, Germany - .16 miles  Visit Log
Visited 12/18/2024 Amelie2401 took it to 0590/1896 Publish Flashmob. Bin dabei! Berlin, Germany - 2.68 miles  Visit Log
Visited 12/14/2024 Amelie2401 took it to Dit is Berlin Berlin, Germany - 4.39 miles  Visit Log
Visited 12/13/2024 Amelie2401 took it to Code Juliet Berlin, Germany - 1.75 miles  Visit Log
Visited 12/13/2024 Amelie2401 took it to Och nööö...! Berlin, Germany - 2.07 miles  Visit Log
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