* Sightseeing Scotland
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Tuesday, March 27, 2018
Bayern, Germany
Recently Spotted:
In Jardin public d'Honfleur
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Zeige uns Schottland! Show us Scotland! Seall dhuinn Alba!!
We love Scotland, got married there in August 2019 and will travel around Scotland often in the future. Maybe one day we'll even find a place forever ... who knows?
Tell us your own favorite places! What do we still have to see? What's your secret tip?
Please ... tell us the most beautiful places and the friendliest B & Bs, with photos and websites - advertising is welcome here
Wir lieben Schottland, haben dort im August 2019 geheiratet und werden noch oft durch Schottland reisen. Vielleicht finden wir ja irgendwann sogar einen Platz für immer...
wer weiß?
Verrate uns deine eigenen Lieblingsorte!
Was müssen wir unbedingt noch sehen? Was ist euer Geheim-Tipp?
Nennt uns die schönsten Plätze und die freundlichsten B&Bs, gerne mit Fotos und Internetseiten
- hier ist Werbung erwünscht.
Tha sinn dèidheil air Alba, phòs sinn an sin san Lùnastal 2019 agus siùbhlaidh sinn timcheall air Alba gu tric san àm ri teachd. Is dòcha aig àm air choreigin gum faigh sinn eadhon àite gu bràth ... cò aig a tha fios?
Inns dhuinn na h-àiteachan as fheàrr leat fhèin! Dè a dh'fheumas sinn fhaicinn fhathast? Dè am beachd dìomhair a th ’agad?
Feuch ... innis dhuinn na h-àiteachan as brèagha agus na leabaidh leabaidh is bracaist as càirdeile, le dealbhan agus làraich-lìn, ma tha thu ag iarraidh - tha fàilte air sanasachd an seo...
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Tracking History (47622.2mi) View Map
spider+woman placed it in Jardin public d'Honfleur
Normandie, France
- 43.31 miles
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spider+woman took it to Maison à pan de bois de Bayeux
Normandie, France
- .12 miles
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spider+woman took it to Moulin à eau de Bayeux
Normandie, France
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spider+woman took it to Moulin à eau de Bayeux
Normandie, France
- 58.36 miles
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spider+woman took it to Hôtel d'Escoville
Normandie, France
- 51.47 miles
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spider+woman took it to Temple
Normandie, France
- 29.96 miles
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spider+woman took it to Trouville Strange House
Normandie, France
- 24.44 miles
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spider+woman took it to Etretat - Falaise d'Amont #4
Normandie, France
- 502.09 miles
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spider+woman took it to ALTB #1 - L'Eglise Saint-Paul
Normandie, France
- 482.16 miles
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spider+woman took it to Hohenheim
Hamburg, Germany
- 99.97 miles
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