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Travel Bug Dog Tag Athena

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Monday, June 21, 2004
Recently Spotted:
In the hands of dusop.

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Current Goal

Her primary goal is to travel as much as possible. She wants to see interesting and beautiful locations all over the world. Eventually she wants to meet up with her brother, Phevos, for the 2006 Turin or 2008 Beijing Olympics.

About This Item

Athena and Phevos

Athena is one of two official mascots of the 2004 Athens Olympics, the other one being her brother Phevos. She is named after the Greek Goddess of wisdom. She is allways hungering for more knowledge, and would appreciate it if you could share some of your wisdom with her. Did you know that less than two percent of the water on earth is fresh? Or that 400 quarter pounders can be made out of one cow? Or that more people are killed by donkeys annually than are killed in plane crashes? Please add to her database of wisdom by logging it on this page.

Gallery Images related to Athena

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Tracking History (16969.8mi) View Map

Discovered It 8/9/2016 Kavau-FO discovered it   Visit Log

Discovered in the GC travel bug gallery. Thanks for sharing!
Gesehen in der GC TB Gallery. Danke für's discovern.
Aperçu dans la galerie de photos du site de GC, merci de le partager.

Discovered It 4/1/2013 GreenLandia34 discovered it   Visit Log

😎Saw it in galerie!

Discovered It 6/1/2011 toudy discovered it   Visit Log

21.08.2010 som ho vybral s kese Kriván
16.09.2010 aom ho vlozil do kese Nad Jasenskou
ospravedlnujem sa za zabudnutie zalogovania

Retrieve It from a Cache 2/26/2011 dusop retrieved it from koniky Prešovský kraj, Slovakia   Visit Log

Athene som proste neodolal :D

Dropped Off 2/18/2011 julescu placed it in koniky Prešovský kraj, Slovakia - 40.43 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 2/17/2011 julescu retrieved it from Velky Saris - Kostol sv. Jakuba Prešovský kraj, Slovakia   Visit Log

Lets move

Dropped Off 1/6/2011 zuzzzi placed it in Velky Saris - Kostol sv. Jakuba Prešovský kraj, Slovakia - 11.95 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 1/1/2011 zuzzzi retrieved it from Sankovacka - Night Cache Prešovský kraj, Slovakia   Visit Log

Found it at the begining of the new year 2011!

Dropped Off 12/30/2010 mirosaki placed it in Sankovacka - Night Cache Prešovský kraj, Slovakia - 7.83 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 12/29/2010 mirosaki retrieved it from Skalne utvary Slanskych vrchov – Mala Zobrana Prešovský kraj, Slovakia   Visit Log

bol som geožene ukázat toto cudo a bol tu tak ho prenesiem.

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