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Mary Hyde's Treasure Senna The Cat

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Monday, December 11, 2017
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Current Goal

My mission is to travel from cache to cache and win The great Slovenian TB race 2018, by collecting the greatest traveled distance in a year time.

About This Item

Senna The Cat

My name is Senna The Cat and I'm participating in the Great Slovenian TB race 2018. Pleas help me on my way from cache to cache by moving me as fast and as far away as possible.The TB with the greatest traveled distance till September the 15-th 2018, will win the race. I believe I can do it! After all, I'm Senna The Cat ��

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Tracking History (6507.6mi) View Map

Discovered It 12/16/2017 NiSEM discovered it   Visit Log

Tega TB-ja smo videli na GC7EJEC: "Izmenjava TB & GC / TB & GC exchange - VIII".

Discovered It 12/16/2017 mirobori discovered it   Visit Log

Viden na tradicionalnem dogodku v centru Ljubljane...

Retrieve It from a Cache 12/16/2017 Geo_Vader retrieved it from Izmenjava TB & GC / TB & GC exchange - VIII. Slovenia   Visit Log

Dajmo, Senna The Cat!

Dropped Off 12/16/2017 SLO Geocaching Klub placed it in Izmenjava TB & GC / TB & GC exchange - VIII. Slovenia   Visit Log

tri ... dve ... ena ... Zdaj!

Na štartu prve Slovenske dirke sledljivčkov pred ljubljansko Mestno hišo se je znašlo 44 tekmovalcev. Kdo bo imel največ sreče in bo do 15. septembra 2018 pripotoval najdlje? Kakšne zgodbe se bodo spletle na dolgi poti? Vsem tekmovalcem želimo veliko sreče na poti, lepo vreme, zavzete najditelje in dolge skoke od zaklada do zaklada!

Več o dirki na, lestvica, ki se osvežuje enkrat dnevno, pa je na

three ... two ... one ... Go!

Start of the first Slovenian TB race saw 44 racers departing from the square in front of Ljubljana City Hall. Who will be the luckiest and travel farther than all the competitors? What stories will the racers collect on their way? May all the racers encounter nice geocaching weather and dedicated geocachers, and make big leaps from cache to cache! Good luck!

Find more about the race at and current standings, refreshed once daily, at

Grab It (Not from a Cache) 12/15/2017 SLO Geocaching Klub grabbed it   Visit Log

Prevzemamo tekmovalca za skupinski štart. V soboto bodo vsi skupaj odloženi v inventar dogodka.

Taking possesion of the racer for group start. All racers will be dropped into event inventory on Saturday.

data on this page is cached for 3 mins