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Travel Bug Dog Tag ..........,........., Scissors

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wee_peem Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Saturday, August 17, 2019
North West England, United Kingdom
Recently Spotted:
In the hands of Clever_Cachers.

The owner hasn't set their collectible preference.

Use TB8HN2P to reference this item.

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Current Goal

Only mission is to travel far and wide. Add photos of your wereabouts.

Should you happen to come across either of the other 2 TB's then play the game......who wins??



Tried to make as much H&S friendly as possible......if they get damaged then try to do a repair.


About This Item

3 Piece TB collection.

Thought we would have a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors.


Should you happen to come across either of the other 2 TB's then play the game......who wins??

Other TB's to track......

Rock.   TB8HN2K

Paper.  TB8HN3Z

Scissors. TB8HN2P

Tracking History (19009.3mi) View Map

Visited 3/26/2023 Clever_Cachers took it to WSGA20 - CC - 7 - Yakima River Washington - .78 miles  Visit Log
Visited 3/26/2023 Clever_Cachers took it to Park and grab for the dogs Washington - 16 miles  Visit Log
Visited 3/26/2023 Clever_Cachers took it to Kittitas Valley Washington - 12.14 miles  Visit Log
Visited 3/26/2023 Clever_Cachers took it to Redmond View Washington - 8.73 miles  Visit Log
Visited 3/26/2023 Clever_Cachers took it to COPYCAT #3 Washington - .36 miles  Visit Log
Visited 3/26/2023 Clever_Cachers took it to Foggy Eagles Washington - .9 miles  Visit Log
Visited 3/26/2023 Clever_Cachers took it to How's Your Aspen- "Det Ani Mulli"? Washington - .63 miles  Visit Log
Visited 3/26/2023 Clever_Cachers took it to Throwing Shoes Washington - 6.54 miles  Visit Log
Visited 3/26/2023 Clever_Cachers took it to Rotten to the Core - River Damage Washington - 8.96 miles  Visit Log
Visited 3/25/2023 Clever_Cachers took it to Don's cache Washington - 13.89 miles  Visit Log
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