TB8EW18 [Coordinate Address Link] ▼
This is collectible.
Use TB8EW18 to reference this item.
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To travel around the world with us. / Cestovat s námi po celém světě.
After 10.000 km travelled I decided to move this coin into our collection. / Po desetitisíci nacestovaných kilometrů jsem se rozhodl pro přesun tohoto coinu do naší sbírky.
We bought this GC as a reminder of GREAT MORAVIA 2017 Giga event and to track our journey.
Tento GC jsme si pořídili jako upomínku na GREAT MORAVIA 2017 Giga event a pro mapování našich cest.
Gallery Images related to ADVOKAMO's Great Moravia 2017 Geocoin V Lipníku n. Becvou Na Helfštýne back frontView All 6 Gallery Images
Découvert !!!
Merci pour le partage 😉
Gezien in een log.
Thanks for sharing
Discovered in the log. Thanks.
Viděno v logu.
I discoverd this trackable in a log, while I wrote my logs for my visit in rome. Thanks for showing this tb.
tijdens het loggen van een virtual in Rome komen we deze tb codes tegen. Thanks for sharing.
Discovered this trackable in a log for GC23KWM today. Thanks for sharing it!
Vu dans un log à Vienne, à la gare principale, à l'instant. Merci pour le partage!
Detected in an online log. Thanks for showing.
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