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50 Year Calendar Geocoin

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Recently Spotted:
In the hands of the owner.

This is not collectible.

Use TB85BFF to reference this item.

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Current Goal

To travel the world. This is a proxy for the real one. 

About This Item

This is my first Geocoin, I can't bear to part with it, so I'm releasing a proxy, please help it along it's journey to see the world.

Selfies with the geocoin are encouraged.

Tracking History (36192.9mi) View Map

Visited 12/1/2024 xrocketx took it to Underwater: Weir Victoria, Australia - 117.82 miles  Visit Log
Visited 12/1/2024 xrocketx took it to Underwater: Weir Victoria, Australia - 117.82 miles  Visit Log
Visited 11/30/2024 xrocketx took it to Iguana Creek Victoria, Australia - 3.39 miles  Visit Log
Visited 11/30/2024 xrocketx took it to Bring a newspaper Victoria, Australia - 31.68 miles  Visit Log
Visited 11/30/2024 xrocketx took it to Lair Victoria, Australia - 2.36 miles  Visit Log
Visited 11/30/2024 xrocketx took it to The Billy Goat's Gruff Victoria, Australia - 105.47 miles  Visit Log
Visited 11/29/2024 xrocketx took it to SideTracked - Bairnsdale Victoria, Australia - 117.07 miles  Visit Log
Visited 11/27/2024 xrocketx took it to Kara-te Red Belt Victoria, Australia - 3.49 miles  Visit Log
Visited 11/27/2024 xrocketx took it to Kara-te White Belt Victoria, Australia - .76 miles  Visit Log
Visited 11/27/2024 xrocketx took it to Kara-te Blue Belt Victoria, Australia - 28.43 miles  Visit Log
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