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Travel Bug Dog Tag Galactic Bane: Jar-Jar Binks

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SherwoodForester Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Wednesday, June 5, 2002
Ohio, United States
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Current Goal

to atone for his existence, Jar-Jar has decided to set out on a quest to visit as much of the galaxy as he can and apologize. Unfortunately, being made of Lego, he can't get around very well on his own. So, he is asking for our help to travel to as much of the known universe as he can.

About This Item

The Galactic Bane himself

Like the Jedi, I just didn't have the heart to refuse Jar-Jar's plea for help in his mission. So, I tacked a TravelBug onto his chain (if the same powers that gave Marley's ghost his chain gave Jar-Jar his, Jar-Jar is in dire straits unless he can visit as much of the universe as he can) and I am looking for the right place to set him off on his future voyages.

Gallery Images related to Galactic Bane: Jar-Jar Binks

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Tracking History (17854.5mi) View Map

Retrieve It from a Cache 7/26/2006 The Cyberdude retrieved it from Zakynthian Baywatch Greece   Visit Log

Travel to the Netherlands

Dropped Off 7/19/2006 Culex42 placed it in Zakynthian Baywatch Greece - 749.91 miles  Visit Log
  • My view to the right: Laganas Bay
  • My view to the left: Zakynthos town
Retrieve It from a Cache 7/1/2006 Culex42 retrieved it from Sweet life of common. Trnavský kraj, Slovakia   Visit Log

Oh, promise not kept :o( I thought I will pass Jar-Jar Binks to some young cacher visiting the wedding, but I've forgot him at home on the table. Glad I've took the rings :o) Well, he shall move further the standard way again.

  • Meeting money and friends in travel. The GeoCoin in my wallet together with 1 danish krone and 1 slovak koruna, observed by the greedy TB Jar-Jar Binks :o)
Dropped Off 6/30/2006 Culex42 placed it in Sweet life of common. Trnavský kraj, Slovakia - 101.81 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 4/8/2006 Culex42 retrieved it from Oravský hrad / Orava Castle Žilinský kraj, Slovakia   Visit Log

Me travel. Me going south.

But before that he took a shower and was cleaned throughoutly. As he is a galactic traveller all the cosmic dust and dirt layed on him.

  • TB Meeting ! TB Sunshine - TT Wuschel the Cat - TB Jar-Jar Binks - TB  Beer Passion
Dropped Off 1/27/2006 pajo5 placed it in Oravský hrad / Orava Castle Žilinský kraj, Slovakia - 59.16 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 12/17/2005 pajo5 retrieved it from Dragon ruins Bratislavský kraj, Slovakia   Visit Log

Zobral som ho na prehliadku nasej zeme.

Dropped Off 11/26/2005 mazo_sk placed it in Dragon ruins Bratislavský kraj, Slovakia - 83.95 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 10/30/2005 mazo_sk retrieved it from St. Trinity Banskobystrický kraj, Slovakia   Visit Log

Near to sky, touch the fly, but just travel to...

  • JarJar meet Ducatti
Dropped Off 10/29/2005 skapo placed it in St. Trinity Banskobystrický kraj, Slovakia - 84.46 miles  Visit Log
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