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Devon UK Mega 2017 Geocoin – Seaside

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Tracking History (100375.6mi) View Map

Visited 10/13/2024 llawnroc cachers took it to Cornwall's Mining Heritage - Pentewan Harbour South West England, United Kingdom - 399.85 miles  Visit Log
Visited 10/11/2024 llawnroc cachers took it to 58 KGB GEOART 2 Limburg, Belgium - .36 miles  Visit Log
Visited 10/11/2024 llawnroc cachers took it to 78 KGB GEOART 2 Limburg, Belgium - 459.3 miles  Visit Log
Visited 10/11/2024 llawnroc cachers took it to Cornwall Bi-Monthly Event #26 - Carnon Downs South West England, United Kingdom - 413.17 miles  Visit Log
Visited 10/8/2024 llawnroc cachers took it to # 058 [E.M] Balade entre Chapelles et Potales II Hainaut, Belgium - .87 miles  Visit Log
Visited 10/8/2024 llawnroc cachers took it to # 053 [E.M] Balade entre Chapelles et Potales II Hainaut, Belgium - .21 miles  Visit Log
Visited 10/8/2024 llawnroc cachers took it to # 052 [E.M] Balade entre Chapelles et Potales II Hainaut, Belgium - .84 miles  Visit Log
Visited 10/8/2024 llawnroc cachers took it to # 056 [E.M] Balade entre Chapelles et Potales II Hainaut, Belgium - 2.39 miles  Visit Log
Visited 10/8/2024 llawnroc cachers took it to # 095 [E.M] Balade entre Chapelles et Potales II Hainaut, Belgium - 1.18 miles  Visit Log
Visited 10/8/2024 llawnroc cachers took it to # 080 [E.M] Balade entre Chapelles et Potales II Hainaut, Belgium - 1.1 miles  Visit Log
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