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7 Deadly Ducks Tag 7 Deadly Ducks Tag Pride

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Tampa67 Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
Bayern, Germany
Recently Spotted:
In the hands of the owner.

I am participating in the HQ Duck Dash.

This is not collectible.

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Current Goal

Der TB soll von Cache zu Cache Reisen und am 20.08.2016 an einem Event teilnehmen.

About This Item

Der TB nimmt am Duck Rennen von Groundspeak teil. Er soll vom 20.7.2016-20.8.2016 viele Kilometer erreichen.

Tracking History (104511.7mi) View Map

Visited 11/16/2024 Tampa67 took it to Was sprudelt denn da ? Bayern, Germany - 1 miles  Visit Log
Visited 11/16/2024 Tampa67 took it to Herbst bei Eisprinzessin Bayern, Germany - 20.48 miles  Visit Log
Visited 10/19/2024 Tampa67 took it to Hangover 🥴 Bayern, Germany - .2 miles  Visit Log
Visited 10/19/2024 Tampa67 took it to FdS #13 Bayern, Germany - 45.28 miles  Visit Log
Visited 10/3/2024 Tampa67 took it to Spitz deine Stifte 2.0 Bayern, Germany - 19.37 miles  Visit Log
Visited 9/29/2024 Tampa67 took it to Bücherwurm Bayern, Germany - 15 miles  Visit Log
Visited 9/25/2024 Tampa67 took it to Code-Breaker Bayern, Germany - 4.68 miles  Visit Log
Visited 9/13/2024 Tampa67 took it to Freitag der 13te Bayern, Germany - 8.74 miles  Visit Log
Visited 9/8/2024 Tampa67 took it to Alte Pfade Bayern, Germany - .39 miles  Visit Log
Visited 9/8/2024 Tampa67 took it to Hoch hinaus zum Lawinenschutz Bayern, Germany - 78.79 miles  Visit Log
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