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Travel Bug Dog Tag Art Deco-Furnishings-End Tables TB

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shellbadger Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Thursday, July 12, 2018
Texas, United States
Recently Spotted:
In the hands of Parsnipcat.

This is not collectible.

Use TB7YDKD to reference this item.

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Current Goal

I maintain records on my trackables. They have the goal to circulate more than five years and to be moved by at least 25 cachers. That is a target rate of five drops per year for five years, or a drop every 73 days. The average drop rate of my trackables in the US is 124 days, in Europe it is 71 days. As of 18-Sep-24 this trackable had survived for 5.8 years but it had been moved by only 14 cachers, for an average drop every 150 days, or 2.4 drops per year. Please keep it moving, then drop it in a safe place!

No permission is needed to leave the U.S. While in the U.S., please drop it at an event, in a Premium Member only OR a rural cache near a busy trail or road. Do not place it in an urban, non-premium cache. Transport the bug in the original plastic bag for as long as the bag lasts; the bag keeps the trackable clean and dry, protects the number and prevents tangling with other items. Otherwise, take the trackable anywhere you wish.

About This Item

I have already released series of art-themed travel bugs based on works I have seen in person.  I will continue the series mostly including works I simply admire.  There will also be famous works or works by famous artists that I otherwise do not particularly care for, but they are….well,..famous.  My disdain extends to most Modern Art and a good amount from the Pop Art movement.  However, I do have a special fondness for Art Deco.

Art Deco or just Deco, is an influential visual arts design style that first appeared in France just before World War I and began flourishing internationally in the 1920s, 1930s and early 1940s before its popularity waned after World War II.  It took its name, short for Arts Décoratifs, from the International Exposition of Modern Decorative and Industrial Arts held in Paris in 1925.  It is an eclectic style that combines traditional craft motifs with Machine Age imagery and materials.  The style is often characterized by rich colors, bold geometric shapes and lavish ornamentation.

Deco emerged from the interwar period when rapid industrialization was transforming the culture of the western world. One of its major attributes is an embrace of technology. This distinguishes Deco from the organic motifs favored by its predecessor Art Nouveau.  It was a style that usually (but not always) ran more to symmetry rather than asymmetry, and to the rectilinear rather than the curvilinear.  During its heyday, Art Deco represented luxury, glamour, exuberance and faith in social and technological progress.

As the various travel bugs is this series will show, the Art Deco style manifested itself in all expressions of the culture of the period; furniture, home décor, luxury items, fashion, architecture, industrial design and the arts (jewelry, posters, pottery, sculpture, painting).

Gallery Images related to Art Deco-Furnishings-End Tables TB

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Tracking History (96359.3mi) View Map

Retrieve It from a Cache 11/28/2024 Parsnipcat retrieved it from The Goose Village California   Visit Log

Taking it up somewhere else out of this area! I swapped some bugs outta the cache. So glad I found this cache! Nice easy one! This cute bug has been around. Will get moved to a nice hotel.

Discovered It 11/13/2024 CandiceSF discovered it California   Visit Log

Saw this trackable when grabbing the ammo can cache in Burlingame, CA.

Dropped Off 9/2/2024 rragan placed it in The Goose Village California - 18.59 miles  Visit Log

Looks like a nice ammo can well secured with frequent enough visits, but not an area that is likely to be Muggled. Dropping it off so it can meet its quota.

Grab It (Not from a Cache) 8/2/2024 rragan grabbed it   Visit Log

It was dropped in my event, but under close scrutiny, so it was not left accidentally there. I will endeavor to honor the wishes to put it in a premium or rural cache so that it can keep moving and hopefully do that in somewhat shorter duration to keep the speed rate up. I could not get into the plastic bag so I read the code through the plastic. it's well sealed I think.

Discovered It 8/2/2024 KfromCA discovered it   Visit Log

Discover at today’s event.

Visited 7/28/2024 Cats4us took it to 012x012 Serpentinite (Sesquipedalia) Challenge California - 41.51 miles  Visit Log

Will drop off at the Cosmic Quest Fueling event (GCAVDHR) Friday.

Visited 7/27/2024 Cats4us took it to Welcome to the GBA Summer Picnic 2024! California - .3 miles  Visit Log
Visited 7/27/2024 Cats4us took it to Octopus's Garden #2 California - 80.26 miles  Visit Log
Visited 7/27/2024 Cats4us took it to Somewhere along my Favorite Sunnyvale Walkway California - 40.93 miles  Visit Log
Visited 7/26/2024 Cats4us took it to Stuffed Bike Cache California - .34 miles  Visit Log
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