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Vikingevent 2016 Geocoin Vikingevent 2016 Geocoin (MOS)

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magneos Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
Trøndelag, Norway
Recently Spotted:
In the hands of the owner.

This is collectible.

Use TB7WT5Y to reference this item.

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Current Goal

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About This Item

This is my own trackable and it will follow me from cache to cache as I travel around to find them.

You are welcome to discover this trackable if and when you meet me.

Happy Caching!

Tracking History (103613.3mi) View Map

Visited 11/16/2024 magneos took it to Et hus på Vigdelsveien Rogaland, Norway - 1.84 miles  Visit Log

I visited this cache today

Visited 11/16/2024 magneos took it to Påske quiz 1 Rogaland, Norway - 2.64 miles  Visit Log

I visited this cache today

Visited 11/16/2024 magneos took it to Challenge: Norge rundt Rogaland, Norway - 4.8 miles  Visit Log

I visited this cache today

Visited 11/16/2024 magneos took it to Hvem sin hatt? (3) Rogaland, Norway - .63 miles  Visit Log

I visited this cache today

Visited 11/16/2024 magneos took it to Brynemulti#2 Rogaland, Norway - 2.56 miles  Visit Log

I visited this cache today

Visited 11/16/2024 magneos took it to Klatremus #2 Rogaland, Norway - .16 miles  Visit Log

I visited this cache today

Visited 11/16/2024 magneos took it to Klatremus #3 Rogaland, Norway - .54 miles  Visit Log

I visited this cache today

Visited 11/16/2024 magneos took it to Håvegalen #2 Rogaland, Norway - .57 miles  Visit Log

I visited this cache today

Visited 11/16/2024 magneos took it to Cache Rogaland, Norway - .98 miles  Visit Log

I visited this cache today

Visited 11/16/2024 magneos took it to Klatremus #1 Rogaland, Norway - 2.25 miles  Visit Log

I visited this cache today

data on this page is cached for 3 mins