00 Geocoin Micras Spezial Edition
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Thursday, July 14, 2016
Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany
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Jder hat mit diesem Thema zu tun.Nun ist daraus eine Coin geworden.Was mit einem Gag anfing endete mit dieser tollen Coin.Gerne könnt ihr diese discovern!
Tracking History (9835.6mi) View Map
Micra44 took it to Adventsplätzchentausch
Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany
- 35.13 miles
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Micra44 took it to 10. ASL Glühweintrinkenaufdemweihnachtsmarktevent
Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany
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Micra44 took it to 10. ASL Glühweintrinkenaufdemweihnachtsmarktevent
Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany
- 182.84 miles
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Micra44 took it to ⛳ Grüne Insel - Green Island
Berlin, Germany
- 204.25 miles
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Micra44 took it to Wuerdigkeiten zum Sehen
Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
- 36.09 miles
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Micra44 took it to Alles neu hier
Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
- .3 miles
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Micra44 took it to Blick in die Weite
Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
- 36.65 miles
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Micra44 took it to Kanalrunde *017*
Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
- .18 miles
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Micra44 took it to Kanalrunde *008*
Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
- .16 miles
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Micra44 took it to Kanalrunde *009*
Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
- .12 miles
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