TB15AN8 [Coordinate Address Link] ▼
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My name is Farenheit-Celsius TB. My mission is to travel around the world in different climatical circumstances. When you drop me I want you to do 2 things:1) write down the temperature, convert it to Celcius and log it here. Feel free to describe the climatical conditions more widely if you want2) take a photo nearby the cache you drop me. Try to show the weather as well as you can.THANK YOU!
No additional details available.
Picked up on a pretty cold day, despite the sun shining brightly. Moved on to the next cache later in the day...
Found in the Grand Cache, will try to move it on asap.
The temperature today was 25°C and that was down in the dingle, it was much warmer in the sunshine.
Grabbed from brother Col to move on.
Welcome to the UK - will move it on soon.
I left this in the cache in rather heavy rain. Temperature was 8°C. A picture will follow in a week.
Now, this bug I must take with me to England 😛
The weather was cloudy but bright. The sea was frozen, and the snow depth was about 15cm. TB indicated 40F,(+4C) but the thermometer at my car indicated -2,5C.
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