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Frankenstein Geocoin Lissabon 2020 nach hagstedt Frankenstein Geocoin

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Monday, October 12, 2020
Lisboa, Portugal
Recently Spotted:
In the hands of LAUDY_NÉ.

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komm nach haus von lissabon nach hagstedt deutschland/niedersachsen/kreis Vechta GC2HFRQ 

coming home to  hagstedt/ northern germany GC2HFRQ  from lisbon

vrat' domu od lisboa do hagstedtu  nemecko donly sasko ores vechta GC2HFRQ 

About This Item

der gesichtsausdruck des frankenstein beschreibt ziemlich genau meine einstellung zu corona. dennoch kann ich endlich im herbst reisen. von lissabon soll dieser kleine coin den weg zu meinem dad antreten und einen urlaubsgruß überbringen.


the face of frankenstein describes exactly my feelings about corona. finally i can travel. vrom lisbon this coin shall make the way to my dad's cache and send some greetings.



Gallery Images related to Lissabon 2020 nach hagstedt Frankenstein Geocoin

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    Tracking History (24762.5mi) View Map

    Visited 12/24/2024 LAUDY_NÉ took it to 17 - Louro Braga, Portugal - 13.29 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 12/8/2024 LAUDY_NÉ took it to Plataforma das Artes e da Criatividade Braga, Portugal - 10.15 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 11/14/2024 LAUDY_NÉ took it to Árvore Trepadeira 🌳 Braga, Portugal - 10.67 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 11/3/2024 LAUDY_NÉ took it to Ciclovia de Guimarães - 3 Braga, Portugal - .18 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 11/3/2024 LAUDY_NÉ took it to Ciclovia de Guimarães - 2 Braga, Portugal - .68 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 11/3/2024 LAUDY_NÉ took it to Ciclovia de Guimarães - 1 Braga, Portugal - 20.97 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 11/2/2024 LAUDY_NÉ took it to Bonus - LIPOR - Parque Aventura e Trilho Ecológico Porto, Portugal - .05 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 11/2/2024 LAUDY_NÉ took it to 12 - Centro de Compostagem Porto, Portugal - .3 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 11/2/2024 LAUDY_NÉ took it to 11 - Horta da Formiga Porto, Portugal - .28 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 11/2/2024 LAUDY_NÉ took it to 13 - Colmeias Porto, Portugal - .32 miles  Visit Log
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