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Travel Bug Dog Tag Abraracourcix_scarabée vert

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maxilaure Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Friday, December 25, 2015
Bretagne, France
Recently Spotted:
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TRAVEL BUG VERT édition limitée

Gallery Images related to Abraracourcix_scarabée vert

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Tracking History (84510.5mi) View Map

Visited 8/15/2024 maxilaure took it to Breizh D Day - Le massacre de Pont ar Stang Vihan Bretagne, France - 168.35 miles  Visit Log
Visited 7/16/2024 maxilaure took it to Playa Bayahibe - Virtual Reward Dominican Republic - 4,120.31 miles  Visit Log
Visited 6/30/2024 maxilaure took it to Sur Les Pas De Yan' Dargent Event Bretagne, France - 11.61 miles  Visit Log
Visited 5/20/2024 maxilaure took it to Le Petit Pont perdu (2) Bretagne, France - 1.73 miles  Visit Log
Visited 5/20/2024 maxilaure took it to Forêt de Santec #camouflage Bretagne, France - .32 miles  Visit Log
Visited 5/20/2024 maxilaure took it to Forêt de Santec #le panneau Bretagne, France - 168.64 miles  Visit Log
Visited 5/12/2024 maxilaure took it to BONUS Adventure Lab "D-Day : Juno Beach" Normandie, France - 8.33 miles  Visit Log
Visited 5/11/2024 maxilaure took it to La drôle de maison de Colleville-Montgomery Normandie, France - .73 miles  Visit Log
Visited 5/11/2024 maxilaure took it to BONUS Adventure Lab "D-Day : Sword Beach" Normandie, France - 26.15 miles  Visit Log
Visited 5/11/2024 maxilaure took it to Rivabella ma belle Normandie, France - .57 miles  Visit Log
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