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Congrats, you found me!
I'm Nick and Gally's (LestISmiteThee) Limited Edition Green Travel Bug Tag on their Amuse Coroham Yukimaru hamster plush celebrating the adoption of Takoyaki the Chinese dwarf hamster, the lives of all their small family members, and the small animals of Geocaching families worldwide! It was received as a gift from Shop Geocaching.
I also track the Geo-miles they've traveled with their small pets.
LestISmiteThee's Pets:
GeoHamsters / GeoRats
Feel free to share photos and stories of your small pet(s)!
You might be thinking: ew, rodents! But did you know rats can laugh? They can also learn their names and perform amazing tricks! They're basically tiny dogs and love to be around people and give kisses! Rats, rabbits, ferrets, pigs, parrots, and many other animals can bond with people as deeply as dogs and cats!
In addition to taking care of dozens of rabbits, guinea pigs, rats, and hamsters at a local humane society, Gally has personally had:
Please visit LestISmiteThee's profile to see their:
* Geocaching story
* international travel photos
* trackables collection
* souvenir gallery
* firsts, Geo-Achievements, milestones, FTFs, faves, stats, and goals!
Momo ♀ RIP
Nicknames: No-Nose (for rubbing off the fur above her nose when she chewed on stuff)
Adopted: 2006, GA, USA
Species: Short-haired black Syrian hamster w/white chest dot
Likes: Food, esp sunflower seeds. Chewing. Burrowing. Wheel. Exploring.
Her story: Our first pet together, and our first hamster! Our most memorable moment with her was when she burrowed in her bedding and suddenly stopped halfway so her butt, toes, and tail were sticking up in the air! After that, our rhyme for her: "Oh noes! It's the Momos! With the no-nose. But she got toes! Cuz she's the Momos!"

Freyja ♀ RIP
Namesake: Freyja ("FRAY-ya"), the Norse goddess of love/war who rides a chariot pulled by two cats, because she's sweet but has scars on her ears when we adopted her as if she'd survived a fight, and she bosses our cats
Nicknames: Cat-Tamer
Adopted: 16 May 2007, GA, USA
Species: Standard black hooded rat
Likes: Food, especially Cheez-Its. Exploring. Grooming humans and rats. Bruxing and boggling. Wheel running.
Dislikes: Cats
Her story: Our first rat! She's affectionate but doesn't cuddle long, preferring to explore. She sometimes wrestles Midori for dominance. When we adopted our cats, she showed no fear, instead nipping their noses if they got close.

Midori ♀ RIP
Namesake: ("Mee-DOH-ree") Cute Japanese name because she looks like a ninja, also means "green", that's why we chose this limited edition green travel bug dog tag
Nicknames: Princess Ninja of Cuteness
Adopted: 26 May 2007, GA, USA
Species: Standard chocolate rat
Likes: Food, especially Cheez-Its. Grooming humans and rats. Bruxing and boggling. Exploring. Wheel running. Jumping/balancing tricks.
Dislikes: Fighting Freyja and Louhi. Playstation Portable noises.
Her story: Our littlest and sweetest rat. She loves to meet new people, kiss them, and impress them with her agility. She sometimes wrestles Freyja for dominance, but mostly cuddles and plays with us and the other rats.

Louhi ♀ RIP
Namesake: Louhi (Final Fantasy series) ("LOW-hee") b/c of her beautiful silver fur
Nicknames: Gentle Louhi, Squishnose (has a soft nose you can pet)
Adopted: 16 June 2007, GA, USA
Species: Standard platinum hooded rat
Likes: Food, especially Cheez-Its. Quiet corner to sleep, brux, and boggle. Grooming humans and rats. Exploring. Jumping tricks.
Dislikes: Loud noises. Fighting the other rats.
Her story: Our biggest, prettiest, calmest, and gentlest rat. She also jumps farthest, about 4 feet!.

Takoyaki ♂ RIP
Namesake: Takoyaki, Japanese fried snack balls because he's a cute little brown ball
Nicknames: Taco, Ham Sammich, Hamburger
Adopted: 17 Dec 2015, MD, USA
Species: Chinese dwarf hamster
Likes: Food, especially millet and peas. Burrowing. Wheel running.
Dislikes: Loud noises/quick movement. Hamster ball.
His story: Our first Chinese dwarf! He's shy but sweet.

Vodka ♀ RIP
Namesake: Vodka because she's crazy and because both this species and the drink are both from Russia
Adopted: 25 May 2016, MD, USA - 20 Aug 2018
Species: Short-haired opal platinum Russian Campbell dwarf hamster
Likes: Food. Wheel running. Hamster ball. Exploring. Tunnels.
Her story: Our first Campbell dwarf and the best hammie ever! Social, cute, funny, and an escape artist!

Sushi big brother RIP + Wasabi little brother RIP
Namesake: Cute Japanese food, big bro is laid-back like a piece of sushi, little bro is feisty like wasabi
Nicknames: Super Robo Bros, (big bro) Mario, (little bro) Luigi
Adopted: 09 June 2016, MD, USA
Species: Agouti Roborovski dwarf hamsters
Likes: Food. Burrowing. Jumping. Wheel running.
Their story: Our first robos. Tiny, fast, and CUTE!

Mochi ♂ RIP
Namesake: Mochi the Japanese rice balls because he's round and white
Adopted: 17 Apr 2017, MD, USA
Species: Short-haired dilute platinum Russian Campbell dwarf hamster
Likes: Food. Burrowing. Wheel running. Tunnels.
His story: Our largest Campbell. The animal shelter said he was abandoned near a park dumpster. He sometimes gives kisses!

Sprinkles ♂ RIP
Namesake: Cupcakes are small and cute, but sprinkles are smaller and cuter, and he's our smallest Campbell
Adopted: 01 May 2017, MD, USA
Species: Short-haired blue silvered red-eyed mottled Russian Campbell dwarf hamster
Likes: Food. Wheel running. Tunnels.
His story: Our smallest Campbell. He's calm and sweet. He has diabetes, which is sadly common in Campbells and Chinese dwarves, but he got a little better on good diet and exercise
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