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Roomster would like to travel in Europe and return back to Prague, Czech republic.Autícko rádo cestuje po Evrope a chce se vrátit do Prahy.
Happy days on the way! Prejeme mu štastou cestu bez nehod.
Gallery Images related to Roomster car at the begining geoauto1View All 3 Gallery Images
weiter auf Reise schicken
Genug geparkt, es geht weiter.
Auf einer Traumtour mit holgerhip ins Frankenland gebracht :Grin: Grüße aus dem [b][green]Sukkulentarium Muthandi
Bring it to Germany.
I am going to Prague on 1 Nov 2009 so could bring it home. However, I do not feel that you have seen enough of Europe yet so will keep you until the following week and drop you off elsewhere 🙂
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